Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 4

Brother, I have sent you multiple things, have you not received anything?

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GG4 autos?! @Oldtimerunderground how are those?!

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same Doug, it as though we live on Mars here! LOL!

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Lol, his mailbox gonna erupt like Mount Vesuvius!! :rofl:


Damn, @Abbbian, I think we better cut you off your dibbs, just until you get your mail sorted :wink:


Yep!! Off we go! As long as it doesn’t blow up, I’m game! :kissing: :grinning: :crazy_face:

Are you crazy!? What about my addiction!!? Especially tomorrow!!

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With all the humidity down in the jungle your mailman isn’t gonna deliver seeds, he’s gonna be delivering plants halfway through flower!!!


They’re a bit sour, but stick to the tongue…LOL! Soon we’ll be off to 5K!

you need to attend our stainaholic ANON meeting and continue steping…



Lol, I dont know honestly first-hand yet, as I put some aside, but I think I may have accidentally given them all away or misplaced them. What I can tell you, is that the guy who made em is a super solid, great friend of mine who is a hard working guy. The pics he showed me looked amazing and I can’t wait to grow a few once I get more. Big, solid, crystaled out buds.

I can’t wait to see if anyone’s started to grow them, I think I may have seen a post somewhere in a thread but couldn’t find it after that. I know @Rogue is killin it growing one of the auto Aurora Borealis from the auto fem giveaway, looks good.


I laughed so hard from that comment :joy:


Mind you, I’m far far away from the jungle, but the postal service here surely is muddy, which concerns me… as you mentioned, don’t want trees by mail, just beans! LOL!

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i know, @Dirtron has had me busting a gut all night! he’s definitely on a roll. really needed some good laughs though so thanks bud lol


He’s got the ape bug, that’s all!!

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Ah yes, all in good fun. I love the laughs, best part about the free seed thread. Lots of jokes around here.

@Abbbian knows we’re just teasing him, right?? Lol.

I’m sure eventually, if you have more seeds than you can grow, that instead of letting them go bad, you will help spread them around down there to close family and friends to grow. As long as someone grows them out, and they don’t just go bad on the shelf…:slightly_smiling_face:


truth be told on international shipping, Its is always been a slower for me. I have had ‘standard’ mail from Canada sit in the customs warehouse for 30 days, but have had mail from Cambodia/Spain arrive in less than 10 days when sent DHL or FEDEX.


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ok people, less than a hundred to go until we turn this thing over. i was really hoping to see that happen tonight before i go to bed, but i dont know if i can make it that long lol. unless theres some late night Doug Dawson chumming or something lmao. gotta try to get Some sleep before the big BBQ tomorrow!


I got another 6 pack of Super Silver Haze x White Widow photo regs for the first person to give me the common name of this plant in my backyard.

The one with white flowers. Theres 2 in the picture.

Good luck.


Lillac or jasmin