Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 4

And you’ll be getting one from me soon too @cannabliss


made it through all the posts. only 400-500, lol

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this is the funnest thread on the internet best kept secret of the online cannabis world I tell everybody I know about OG but not many listen and thank you I’ve for sure been shown a ton of love here just not the dibs I get to anxious lol frooozzzeeēnnn and cpu sucks its screaming at me as I type


Alright guys, mind like a goldfish here. Anyone recognize these? I can tell it’s OG style packaging


Well I got a pity pack of Henchmen for you if you’re interested :smile: High CBD strain


@Oldtimerunderground would be who your looking for!


sure I like cbd love to try them if your in a gifting mood and @Oldtimerunderground thank you again you guys are great

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No accident I love OG!!! Rock it lady!!!

Ok I’m not really sure how to properly look back through my messages so I got to get to the post he talked about it so I can grab a screenshot

You got it! PM the addy when you get a chance.

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Here’s the info on them straight from oldtimer
Thanks man, I’m sure you will enjoy them. Both parents were top notch. The mother is very sticky and resinous, with strong lavender/purple berry terps. The father was the head of the pack and had big, bulky biceps at the nodes, wicked stem rub and heavy pollen production. Dense purple pods too.


i love the cat pic looks just like my DK dumpster kitty lol yo guys have a great night time to cook

Purple kush X purple ??

Purps x Crocketts Confidential)

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Now it’s reg-U-lated into Cannabis. All right and proper. 6 home plants legal here in North California. Cannabis stores on every corner selling who knows whatever they want to call it. Grown in mamouth greenhouses with auto blackout curtains like tomatoes or lettuce.

Ok now I get it. Purps secret

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Glad they made it safe @Xianpreservation83 and thank you @ShiskaberrySavior for providing that info. Hope you guys enjoy those.

And you’re most welcome @cannabliss :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank-you very much sir. Some of the fastest I ever had arrive. Sounds very purple. Lol

Hey @Oldtimerunderground, got curious, any connection to oldtimer1 with the Bonsai!? Thanks.

Oldtimer1 is in England

edit… Pardon me…in the UK…better?

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