Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 4

The one post which brought me here! Nice!! Thanks!

It’s my pleasure :grin: thank you for all you do. Lots of purple taste in the parents too, I expect the progeny to be exceptional.

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His Bonsai Mums tute was something I inhaled in '99

it breathed life into my grow! Allowing me to bring so many mothers a long the way in the life of the gorilla grower!

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how about 2021 @JohnnyPotseed ? Lovely!! Likewise!! :sunglasses: :joy: :laughing: :rofl: :sweat_smile: :innocent: :flushed: :heart_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face:

Yes I’m related to him the same way @JohnnyPotseed is, through Oldtimer1’s Bonsai techniques lol.


Guess we’re all on the same boat! same children!!!

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Something I will have to look through with my up and coming mother room. Count is close to 20 now

That’s how I kept so many mothers for so many years
even in today’s more modern methods, it is damned handy to read, and use.


lesson in the making!!

Wait a minute…the same Oldtimer from ICMAG with the Bonsai Technique? I read that so many times and apply a lot of those ideas today


Like I said I inhaled that tute! lol I know it by heart!
Also used it religiously

Yep, it seems he’d fathered a lot of us here!! :sunglasses: :joy: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face:


That’s awesome! :joy:

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Oldtimer1 had, and still has, a most profound influence on many growers around the world…

edit… I know he had to get tired of my questions (well, maybe not that many lol) but he always answered


But @JohnnyPotseed, to be honest I’ve been run over by so many options in front of me, I have to take a step back and learn especially about how to give a right size to the mothers in order to have a bunch of them…!! Thanks!

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I’m still counting to see the day I’ll use a knife to cut each or the sides of the roots in order to repot!!! Awesome!!

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Now that I was a bit hesitant about the first time lol but it works just fine

edit… When I moved back here to Oklahoma, I brought 40 mothers with me… all in 5" pots lol I up-potted almost immediately and let the girls spread their wings

edit2… But, I still use the overall technique


If we are able to defoliate, take out fan leaves and the whole shebang on top on the plant, why not doing the same with roots!? Of course, newbie venting!!! :flushed: :flushed: :flushed:


1.6k lol
This threat going well

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For real, this was me after the first time I pruned the roots