Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5

I’m waiting too. :frowning:

There should be something like ‘frequent flyer miles’ lol

:green_heart: for all you guys that suffer with ADD. My daughter gets some relief with pot. It sucks I’m sure.


Meh… breaks over anyhow lol I’m going back to work. I’ll cyas in a bit

That weird feeling of an overcharged, 220v battery running wild, and there we are, trying to get a hold of wild horse!! Not easy! Rarely but surely a blessing at times… All the best to her!!!

Thank you. She says she manages fine but she’s not free with what’s not going well. If you know what I mean. Between that and the Epilepsy she had a rough go for a while. She grew out of the seizures :+1: but the ADD is still a prob.


Part of this is learning to live with our own, since it’s supposedly a type of brain, so, the more she learns to know what goes on with her, the better it gets… especially when the going gets tough, which always happens in life!!



i have found that Black Widow is great focus medicine for myself - beats the hell out of the pill meds.
** any plant description that says daytime & focus might be one that helps.

but everyone is different so you might want to try a few that ggl says are helpfull…

Here are the top five cannabis strains for ADD/ADHD:

  • Jack Herer. Jack Herer is one of the most famous sativa plants around. …
  • Lemon Skunk. A hybrid flower with a pungent, sweet lemon aroma, the Lemon Skunk cannabis strain may be beneficial for those with ADD/ADHD. …
  • Sunset Sherbet. …
  • Island Sweet Skunk. …
  • Lemon CBD.



hmm I have some black widow I think I got as a freebie still haven’t popped them I mainly use cannabis for sleep and pain and don’t have any issues with ADD or ADHD my kids either but lots of parents I know deal with it with there children in major ways and all there kids are heavily medicated I hate to see it but I also have sympathy for the parents and kids it’s a tough issue in my younger years I took an aderol or two recreationally lol stupid and it was a crazy strong drug I couldn’t imagine being on it every day

Happy 4th of July!!!

i took Concerta pills for 10 years and I was on a low dose and it was still too strong for me.
felt like being a plane pilot…busy busy…

been looking for a cross of a white widow & haze

I had some White Widow from a dispo near me and it was a straight stimulant. I’d take a hit or two and be cleaning my house ten minutes later.

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I have a White Widow in fifth week of flower. They are basically the same as the Black Widow if I’m not mistaken. Just marketed under a different name?
Thank you btw.

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This is a strain I heard good things about, including yield! Didn’t know the ADD connection though! Thanks

That’s the thing. Stimulants will put my daughter to sleep. That’s the thing the doctor said. “We’ll give her some and watch. If she bounces off the walls we know she doesn’t have ADD”. She was right. Stimulants have little to no effect on her. Quite the opposite in fact.
BTW she hated taking the damn things and I hated giving them to her. Now she doesn’t take them. :slight_smile:

When my son was 8 or 9, the assumption would be ADHD, but then the doctor mentioned, “we could try Ritalin, but if he is bipolar, he would have a seizure, a crisis.” We never came back…

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the difference in whit widow vs. black widow is when the two growers decided to part ways.
the guy that had the best male call his black widow to have a separate market name…

of course, the gene trees have split further over the years.

white widow is a good Focus strain for me - I harvested fairly late too.



@Abbbian i went through a few medications for ADD. ritalin was an anxiety nightmare from hell. adderall was a miracle drug. then maybe a few years ago i tried adderall again and it didn’t seem to do anything. then modafinil and can’t remember if that helped. otherwise i would be taking it now i guess.

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i tried some white widow years ago and it just gave me a racing anxiety