Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5

I’m awake till 7am. Atleast cause thats when I’m done work lol
Back to work now.


last week it was insane. it was so hot i couldnt breathe lol and had to move into a new house same time. i think i had to change clothes twice a day to keep dry


Been pretty lucky with weather here low 90s all week.

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Been in the high 70’s here no rain for a few days now. A lot better than last week with the heat .


Lol I saw that I think on rediculousness

Same, I didn’t realize then exactly how many fbombs she dropped. Poor kid

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From the way he was saying yes ma’am he’s taken a few beatings from her before lol. I once talked back to a very large female in high school I was about 130 pounds she was about 250. She slapped me across the face and I was saying sorry real quick. We went on to become great friends. She stuck up for me all the time lol.


I believe I sent him some autos on Monday. We talked a little about cancer on the weekend by PM. My wife’s been cancer free now 15 years. I can relate.


Good morning people…
I showed my wife @misterbee call for help…
She changed her view of her about OG… I don’t think she’ll be bothered anymore if I keep talking to you guys…
It’s exciting and surprising every day…


Slow night huh? lol Only 83 posts!
Awesome… @misterbee the only word to describe your continuing efforts to help folks on here! When I read your post I looked at my seed list to see if I had any of those strains to help a bit, but the only one on the list I had is some GDP from @cannabliss, and she already took care of that one for you… Unless you need more? I know she wouldn’t mind if I pass on some of her OGenerosity … A few of the good people of OG did step up and offer almost every strain you mentioned, which is great!


She shouldn’t mind you talking to us :yum:…were only mildly depraved for an internet group.


Hey! speak for yourself! I personally am depraved as they come! :rofl: :rofl: :crazy_face:

edit… Just kidding, of course! :grin: :sunglasses: :+1:


good morning JPS

  • See you you are the early shift like myself!

I’m all outta likes but you’re not so bad :wink:


This a first breakup of still wet buds, still a good bit of seeds in there! The cross of PPP and King Tut.
There’s gonna be some sent out into the OGniverse, of course!

edit… there are a very few still ‘greenish’ ones but no white or small, not ready. So it was a good seed harvest!


Nice ole pile of beans! What’s the king Tut about?

lol I’m always up usually by 3AM, so yep…it’s the early shift I reckon!


She realized that despite everything, the cause is noble…
If everyone were provided with this kind of depravity, the world would be better…
Doing good, no matter for whom…
As a saying goes:
You are not obligated to sow, but if you sow, you are obligated to reap, so let’s sow good!!!
Congratulations to the good guys who make this what it is…

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very high THC and good yielder, tests of up over 30%THC