Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5

Add in a dash of paralysis, sounds like your trying to tranquilize some horses


'morningā€¦lining up ALREADY with my Beggarā€™s Cup right outside the Barn!!! King Tut was a merry old soul, indeed. HAAAARRRRRD hitting!!! Was an early Seedsman stable. SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NICE: Nice early yield, btw!!


so true !!!


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Back around 9-10 years ago, I was just checking strains on the net and came across King Tut AKA Tutankhamen. Saw 33%THC, and was like wow! Then my mind started clicking on crossesā€¦(as Iā€™m always the mad scientist when it comes to that sorta thing! lol) Anyway, I bought a pack, which I never did for over 20 yrs now! Thinking ā€˜well hell, I can cross this with Frankenstein! Itā€™d be a worthy additionā€™!! I did cross it with the Frankenstein and call that Frankensteinā€™s Brideā€¦been growing it for about 8 years now, it breeds true and is kickass!


We all make this place what it is my friend! Thank you, I always see you willing to offer a kind word.


Morning everyone!!! and btwā€¦

As Eagles mentioned, rather elephants, horses are kinda small, let alone humansā€¦ LOL!

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Thats wild. I appreciate that I get to hang out with and soak up information from people who have so much growing experience. Some of you guys probably sit back and laugh while us infants figure out how to crawl. (Iā€™ve been growing just about a year now)


Thatā€™s not an ā€˜early yieldā€™ lol I got some of the PPP pollen from my good friend @Badger, long before our own OGSantaDD @DougDawson had any ready to send out. So, they went full term. Thatā€™s why I wasnā€™t in any hurry to get the pollen from Doug, and let others grab up the first batches.


NEVER! Iā€™ve always encouraged young growers and love helping with any tips or seeds, clones etc that I can. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve done my whole lifeā€¦

editā€¦ On that subject, there are OG members that Iā€™ve known a long time nowā€¦ you can ask @Badger lol, probably back around 20 years ago, I helped him get started and heā€™s become a Master Grower! Iā€™m just proud to say I gave him a bit of assistance in his first grows.


Second that! We donā€™t see but you, seasoned ones round here, must crack up about our mumblings, though we never fail to learn a bit more from your tips!! OG to the core!! LOL!!
:pray: :thinking:

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Everybody is really kind in pointing out errors and suggesting remedies. Thatā€™s why I got involved with another forum. I didnā€™t know anybody who grew, no idea what I was doing. Helped me a ton to just read old threads about mistakes and uphappy plants. Granted that was elsewhere, but this place has the same helpful attitude. I switched forums when I couldnā€™t get seeds to a cancer patient without breaking rules. That sat wrong with me.


After 45 years of growing I have tried to teach many how to grow. Some never did get it after years of trying and others killed it right from the git. So itā€™s not really how long you have been doing it but a matter of eye to detail and willingness to listen and put that into practice.


I have a Strawbery kush cross that has been tested at 30 & 31 % - its my daily driver ATM.
just a little goes a long way !!!

ppl see the picture and they immediatedly say it trimmed, but I like it just the same ![grid]

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Wise words. Its also not rocket science. I think a lot of new growers are making this harder than it is.


Yep, there is that also lol some donā€™t take the advice they asked for, and others just seem to not heed it. I offer if asked and sometimes even if not asked. But, in the end itā€™s up to each individual to accept the assist or not. Or only use part


Hey, for personal smokeā€¦ie; ā€˜not for saleā€™ā€¦ I leave half of the sugar leaves on the bud myself! They have as many trichs as the actual bud! lol Why toss emā€¦


I love the folks that tell me itā€™s just a weed it practically grows itselfā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


yeah? and when it gives up only so-so yield and or effectā€¦what do they say then?

editā€¦ ā€˜Gee, I donā€™t know, maybe I coulda listened better to yaā€™? :rofl: :rofl:


Almost all that have made that comment and tried to grow killed them, so yield wasnā€™t a factor.

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I popped that cotton candy you gave me the other day, going to pop a few of the others to get up to my limit today.
Thanks again broā€¦ā€¦