Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5

If I recall correctly (and I do lol) I ate so damn many crab apples as a kid my parents swore they’d start growing outta my ears…


And wild plums my family were cheap asses. Lol

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Hell, lol why buy when they can be had free?? Been there done that with about every fruit you could find growing wild in my area.

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You here in the states? John

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I’m in Oklahoma now

edit… Be here 3 yrs as of this coming Oct. and licensed since the beginning.


i might just give up on coffee. i had a decent blend going of coffee/creamer/sugar ratio that i enjoyed but then i decided to shy away from all that sugar and i’m not sure if i’ll find a decent ratio again. all i ever taste from all this cheap coffee is a flavor of some type of wood and sour glue, that combined with bitter cheap coffee it’s just no good. just going to give this lavazza coffee someone on here recommended, reordered the damn stolen coffee,


A very beautiful state. I have seen it many times. I was so happy when things went green for y’all. I have ran from tornadoes in that state and hunker down and pray that I didn’t get blown way

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I’m just about 15-20 west of Tulsa, right outside ‘tornado alley’…

edit… been through many tornados here and in Arkansas, Texas, & Louisiana

edit2… That’s why I did so much research before I bought this place lol untouched in over 25 yrs


Yea man. I’ve stayed between white and yellow lines for a long time. That Louisiana some crazy stuff. Love the food. I have fished in the gulf before many of times. Texas is amazing. For a state to have all four seasons is pretty amazing. Plus the diversity of the landscape.

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Ironically the best coffee I’ve ever had is made in my state and I had no idea for years. WB Law Coffee and now that I know it’s made here I don’t know how known it is nationally. I’ve had random changes of plans upon seeing a sign in a store window for WB LAW lol.

Edit- I say “made” loosely. I’d be very very surprised if it’s grown here :laughing:


I love the Louisiana bayou food so much I married two of them creole gals

edit… back in the 70s lolit was we’d wake up married and say ‘huh? wtf did we do’? then get a divorce or annulment lol I was married 4 times in the 70s like that…

we parted friends is all no kids no harm no foul

edit2… the things we’d do back in those days when stoned!! :rofl: :rofl:


I was at a party where some friends were smoking back when I was a teen in the early 70’s. When I walked into our home, my dad called me on the carpet because of the odor I brought into the room. I said that I didn’t even know that you knew the smell! That’s when he told me about the weed he had in Vietnam.


sounds like crazy times.

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It truly was lol the stoned and ‘free love’ years…‘Hi, lets F**K…oh btw, my name is’


I learned to make Gumbo for a homesick friend. She cried as it tasted like home and i cried because it tasted so good. You weren’t wrong about the food.


I still make that bayou gumbo to this day and the family loves it

edit… I toss everything but the kitchen sink at mine lol I use chicken chunks, shrimp, & sausage all 3 in mine…


I take forever to make the rue. I get it to look like chocolate milk before the real magic start


No alligator that’s how much I know about cooking it ?

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naw… the gator tail filets I fry up in butter all by themselves. No sense in complicating things lol

edit… try having them on the side with the gumbo. Awesome side dish!


That’s what I’d call a seasoned cook!! Nice!

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