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lol - kinda confused, sounds like i need to edit myself out to give @bunny his lsot back or do i need to give it to @EugeneDebs420 or what? so confused i am!

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It doesā€¦ but Iā€™m fairly sure thereā€™s only one pack, and claimed it in the first post, then I tried to, then @Sasquatch added himself to the wiki since it wasnā€™t open when either of us claimed it, and now youā€™re trying to claim a non-existent second pack. :stuck_out_tongue: Unless thereā€™s 4 packs, I think itā€™s up to @corey to play judge hereā€¦ likewise on who gets the SDxSD. :slight_smile:

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No issues. If I did it wrong and didnā€™t get it, thatā€™s life. Just gotta go with the flow.



Man I had to step away for a min .
Windshield just cracked.
Nice thing is its in stock but its 846.00
Glad I got some beans tho
Thank you @corey
And all the others that give give and give.


Thanks guys! Just got some service back. It took a team to make this happen!!


@cannabliss I apolige for mispelling you up there. Iā€™ll get to it

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As they say, ā€œNo shoes, no service.ā€


Very OG of you, @corey! Thanks to you, @cannabliss, @Kushking902, @Astrodude & @Eagles009 for making this possible.

Hope no one minds, but I signed up my buddy, @misterbee for the Sour 60. Heā€™s busy with life, but I know he can put these to good use.


Iā€™ve been wondering about them, havenā€™t seen @misterbee on here in a minute. Good friggin dude. Hooked me up when I had a crop fail last year and wasnā€™t doing so hot.


Noice, Did u make that?

Saw an open spot, took it.

Hope I didnā€™t overwrite anyone!


ya i noticed @Moka added another row to that one cuz i was interested in that one as well - i sent him a DM to see if he had more he wanted to trade since the 1 available pack was already claimned.

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I was also wondering about @misterbee! Havenā€™t seen him around in a bit!

@Astrodude I claim no ownership of that pic, pretty cool tho!

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@corey , I stumbled across this and the wiki worked for me, I was first on after wiki opened. Didnā€™t see that people were claiming by posting before wiki opened, which you said they could do. Please give the Black Garlic to !

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Cool, looking for a 3d cgi guy.

I apologize for the miscommunication. I meant sign up then post! It wonā€™t happen again

Still 3 spots left

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Big thanks to @corey and @cannabliss

Green Crack is my wifeā€™s favourite, sheā€™ll be stoked with these


My wife also loves the GC, just sent out last beans w/o saving any. Doh

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