Free step by step organic grow guide(Indoor, Outdoor, and Greenhouse)

I’ve been really enjoying everyone here on OG, and noticed folks sharing PDFs and guides they enjoyed, and figured I might as well share mine for anyone interested. I’ve already been able to help countless growers with it in the year or so since its release. It covers the entire process. Indoor, outdoor, and greenhouse using natural and organic methods I learned and developed growing commercially in northern California. Since I had a lot of free time due to a disability, I felt the only right thing to do was document everything I know as best as possible to assist other growers. I’ll also add the cheat sheet I used to give out to farms. After a friend showed by pics of a series of farms running off my old hand written cheat cheet, I figured I may as well include that too. Hopefully, folks find some tips and tricks that are useful!


Very cool! Thanks for sharing, I guarantee many here will find useful info amongst. Gonna do a deep dive myself now.

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I bookmarked this one.
:green_heart: :seedling:



Thanks for having produced and sharing this documentation.
