Free Grow Book (E-book) For Newbies/Beginners

I wrote this grow book a while back. Some of you may have seen it or read it already. I wanted to share it for free with you OG’ers! I think it will help some of the newbies out here.

It’s by no means an exhaustive manual, but it does cover a lot of the basics from real basic grow room setup, to nutrients, to deficiency/toxicity and pest identification and solutions, and even drying and curing.

Just click the link below and get to reading :slight_smile:
Grow Book - FREE

Alt Link:
Grow Book - FREE (link2)

p.s. I have moderators/team overgrow permission to share this.
p.p.s It’s about 200 pages so it takes a second to load. If anyone is having trouble accessing it let me know, and I’ll see if I can upload it somewhere else for easier access.


Thanks for sharing Danny. I still got my signed copy :wink:


hold onto it, it might be a collectors item one day… or a nice door stopper :wink: :sweat_smile:


Thank you very much! Do you still have hard copies for sale?


Awesome Thank you!


No problem, just removed the link as I don’t want any issues popping up since he is not a sponsor.

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Great information for new growers. Thank you very much, Danny.


Thanks for the share. I will be reading for sure

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@DannyTerpintine what is your background in cannabis?

Or did you just write a book and make some seeds to cash in on unsuspecting new growers?

not going to entertain. You fought with me about my breeding in a past thread that ended up getting closed.

blocked. goodbye.

p.s. I’ve got over a decade under my belt, well over the 10k hour rule, in various roles in the industry.


Throwing pollen for the first time on some females, naming them, packaging them, putting them on a failed website, passing out crappy testers, and copying and pasting a crappy book isn’t breeding lol

But it’s your story, can be anyone you want to be over the internet. Hopefully people see through it like I do :v:t4:

Downloaded your book and read it today. Certain sections regarding indoor growing I skipped, but I must say, I was impressed with the thoroughness in regards to everything else. Nutrients plant problems, I learned some new things. I especially liked the depth of the different types of rot and how they taproot in and basically vampire the plant, and the suggestions to combat my most serious dilemma as an outdoor grower. Thank you for your contribution.


I personally loved the Eutierria, and the Swackhammer strains from @DannyTerpintine
I have more to try as well, and I have no doubts about them.
I am very happy to have the book as well. :slightly_smiling_face:


Glad you found it helpful! I tried to cover as much as possible without making it a 500 page manual haha. :slight_smile:

…I spent almost a year writing that book. Always something I wanted to do and give back what I learned over the years.

@chronix you did an awesome job with both! :100: