Fridge vs Freezer for Seed storage

does rice not really compare to any of those??

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That’s a good question, I wondered about that myself.
Poked around and found this gem:

Check the table below the chart.

according to that rice at 70F and 40 RH would have a EMC of 10.3%.

All of the grains on that table are comparable so it is not a big leap to say that our weed seeds will respond similarly. The implication being that if you want to lower the EWC of your seed with rice you should dry out the rice first.



The problem with rice, in addition to having limited absorption capacity, is that it carries the risk of introducing pathogens and pests into your seed stocks. Rice can carry eggs for various types of beetles and flies that can hatch at refrigerator temperatures. The larvae eat the rice, and could eat your seeds also.



i keep my packs in a tupperware with dessicant in the fridge, and thats inside an opaque bag to guard against the light when opening my fridge

I ended up sealing em with color indicating silica beads in glass jars and threw em in the freezer as realistically I think its going to take me 5+ years to get through all of them…

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Smart and wise move.
After them beads turn color you can put them in the oven and dehydrate them again and use