Fundraiser/seed auction for Santero

I’ve been looking forward to those seeds(talk to me about your beans if it is a complete loss @Cormoran and I just wanted to see if anyone else has received anything and thanks for the update @Papalag and your support throughout this it’s just been awhile since seeing anything much appreciated :+1:t2:


@hoss8455 em me several months along and he sent me the beans he donated for the auction, he is in the USA so that is the good news. Its somewhere across the sea that we don’t know about, I don’t even know where prisma is but @hoss8455 is a good guy and I will patronize him and his strains


He’s in the EU

I believe some of the European folks received there packages , I know of 1 definitely I spoke to recently

I spoke to Prisma. on ig today he will be by the beginning of next week to explain

But he assured me he sent everything thing


i am pretty sure the xmas mail went slow, while everything is on the way.

i don’t believe prisma is not be reliable, since he came through for us a few
times since the auction ended. he is definetly doing what he sad he would
on our end …

he has been sending help (in moderate amounts,
due to the restrictions in netherland coffeshops.)

prisma did went silent, but i thought that was because of the holidays (?) :no_mouth:


in case people stay without beans then i will do my utmost to fill in blanks.
it would create a workload i am not really prepared for (and i would not be
able to send what people bid for). but i would try to make eveybody whole.
i sure hope it does not come to this, tho. i nurse my wife and haven’t much
time (or energy) outside of this, atm.


this won’t be necessary, i am sure …
prisma proved to us that he is 100% reliable.

we need to thank everybody, all of you, for helping us in this time!

my wife will also start a topic soon, show some of her meds and
explain a bit about her illness. there is way too little info out there
in correlation to multiple sclerosis & rso and how well it helps :slight_smile:


got mine
thanks @Prisma and @misterbee


Please try to remember that the whole point of this auction was to help supply sans wife with the meds she desperately needed… And according to san this has been accomplished. :slight_smile: It’s something to feel good about and surely there will be some good karma floating around for everyone who helped make it happen. :+1:

@SamwellBB has already received his package, and I’m sure we’ll start to see other members popping in to say they have also received theirs… Unfortunately snailmail is a reality during the holiday season and something we all just have to deal with. :man_shrugging:

“Good things come to those who wait” is what I’m gonna keep telling myself until the package arrives :laughing:



Hi bro
Good to hear from you
And so glad the meds are available to the mrs
Wishing you and her wellness and happiness always

There’s no worries on my part

I’ll even help with what ever I have available if needed to make it right by peeps

I know it will all work out in the end



Yeah I’m not too worried myself. Which of us haven’t had time for social media once in a while. I trust @Prisma, it’ll eventually reach me. Good vibes on this end


I totally understand it I was just curious about how things were going with @santero n his wife and I continue keeping you and her in my thoughts and prayers and I hope that @Prisma’s mother is recovering thanks for the update very much appreciated


Hi, I’m located in Sweden and have yet to receive the package from prisma. Hope I get it soon though!

Pz :v:t2:


So my apologies to @Prisma the beans arrived today, my wife brought them from the post office where they had postage due and not any stamps, Really cool, its given me insight at how the world works differently all over. I thank you @Prisma and @hoss8455 and apologies to OG members for getting you riled up too. I re injured my cervical neck vertebrae and tore rib muscles and have been confined and taking powerful pain medications, not an excuse but has me unfocused. @misterbee believed in patience and I did listen to him but got impatient. So then, GO OG


HA, i just picked up another pigeon from him just today !! :pray: :pray: :pray:

(along with a letter from a US-friend that was send out on 9th of dec.
so yeah … mail is indeed quite slow right now. due to the pandemic-
aftermath and the holidays and also storms? = give it a moment :wink:

anyhoo, …
prisma always writes some kind words for us
on a postcard that he adds to the package :slight_smile:

he wrote about the episode in his family and that he had his pc break down too.
he is waiting for a friend to hook him up with a new unit and he will be back soon.

please be patient, mates :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
and thank you all very, very, very much !!


yesssss, that’s grreat news, brother ! :slight_smile:
i hope you like the few extra beans i asked
him to please add to all your pigeons.

THANK YOU a ton for helping us out (too) !


I learned patience with the co-op seed run box and I thought it was a total loss and then a month or so later it showed up and I didn’t realize that Prisma was overseas so totally understand that I am happy to hear u received yours @keene and man you got some GOOD STUFF! Happy Growing The Doc


Where is Prisma, what country, never knew


Indeed! Both of the last two letters I sent you (from the US) took over three weeks to arrive and this was before the holidays were even happening.


Excellent. Glad to hear that I’m wrong and these are finally making their way to people. Sorry for wondering, @Prisma. :slight_smile: I just recently received an envelope that was mailed over 6 months ago, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to find that the mail is acting up for everyone.


I am amazed it came from EU with no postage and I had to pay the postage due, maybe we should try mailing a bunch with no postage and see what happens


@Prisma The Eagle has landed at my safe address! The post office also was kind enough to leave a note that it was sent without stamps and that was causing issues.

Pz :v:t2:


@Prisma your letter arrived, thanks to you and @santero/@Cormoran!
Can anyone tell me what the first word is?