Fundraiser/seed auction for Santero

I appreciate you following up with us. I agree with @DrGonzo13 . Don’t worry about sending. The intention was to help out another OG.


I got the seeds from @Budderton really fast. (The Affie cross he made and donated to the Auction.) So i’m very happy w the outcome.

My only thought at the time of the auction was that @santero would get the money quickly for his wife’s care.

Like other members, i didn’t get seeds from Prisma but i didn’t expect or need more seeds. As long as Santero got the money is my only concern.


Nice gesture, no worries on my end, no need to replace


No seeds from @Prisma here. Thank you @Papalag for the seeds.

@santero did your wife get the much needed RSO?


For future Auctions that don’t raise funds for OverGrow’s servers, i would prefer if the $ would go DIRECTLY to the recipient’s Paypal (in this case Santero).

EDIT. Thank you @DougDawson for clarifying for me, that (Prisma) handled the $ so he could buy supplies to make RSO for Santero’s wife.


We’re there money issues? This money was collected by @Prisma so he could buy hash and make RSO from it for Sorents’s wife as far as I remember.


No money issues on my end.
I didn’t know about that aspect of it, that Prisma was managing the $ to make RSO for Santero.


Sadly I will think twice before donating seeds and time again because of people like you.


Yeah, as far as I remember that was the purpose. Sorento is not on a legal area so hard to get RSO oil. I belive it was for Santeros wife who has MS. Prisma is in the Netherlands and had much better access.


Thank you, i had forgotten this.

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Heard from @Prisma this morning he’s at the hospital getting tests to see what up with him

I know he’s very upset over this

I know all meds where received by San and is helping his wife

For anyone who did not receive their seeds ,
I will be happy to send any of my offerings in there place



Thanks @Papalag , I too would be willing to pony up some seeds to anyone that got hosed by the border folk.


Shit! I hope Prisma’s ok.

I got the seeds from Budderton so i’m all good.
Thank you @Papalag for offering to help the other members. Very OG of you!

And i see @DougDawson has also offered to help. OG is the best family a person could want.


OG would do the same for me.


This is so true.


That’s a bummer and I hope that @Prisma is alright and I just wanted him to know that he is doing what is most important and it’s taking care of himself and family so if you talk to him again @Papalag there’s Positive thoughts and prayers for him and his family. Also great to hear about the thread that @santero wife is going to be starting, looking forward to seeing how much RSO helps and thanks to all of the members who put some of there magic beans to help a great cause!?


prisma did everything he said he would (!)
he is a stand-up person … i vouch for him.

sadly his situation also went south, so he had to go offline since then.
thank you @Papalag for helping prisma, bro. to everyone else as well,
of course … we appreciate all of your help very much !

if anyone still is without beans, then i can also try to make people whole.
just write me a message, please :slight_smile:

we need to express our most deepest gratitude to everyone we have
encountered here at OG that helped us, selfless and from their hearts.

people have helped us with genetics and medicine, provided information
and send prayers, spoke to us. we are 100% normal people and it truly is
overwhelming to recieve so much support. we feel like we are not giving
back enough and i have to admit that my wife sadly is not up to run a thread
(she needs help with the tiniest of things, so taking this on could possibly
stress her out too much and just induce another flare-up.)

her progression significantly reduces after taking rso, her sight gets better
and her limbs are a bit more under her control, but if it actually helps long
term and if it helps her to re-mylienate her nervendings still needs to be ex-

we’re also trying to incorporate a psilocybin-microdose regiment and check
if that also helps with “re-wiring” connections :wink: breathwork and regular expo-
sures to the cold also show promise and she can really feel that it helps too.

the “comibra-protocol” is her main therapy and her blood gets tested regularly
and numbers levelled out, so that the high vitamin-d it doesn’t harm her bones.

sadly we were not able to collect enough RSO to supply a full 2-month-treatment.
(and who can ask anyone for that kind of help and not feel really weird, ey.)

we need 1ml of rso for every day, for at least 60 days (= 60ml) and these amounts
are really hard to get by here (and anywhere else too, i think). the amounts that we
were shared are gone so fast that it creates a kind of rollercoaster for her. rso does
help her really good, but we noticed that taking if “off and on” and in unregular amounts
also created somewhat of a backlash-effect for her issues, which kinda comes back
harder when she (has to) stop(s).

we are also all-new to all this, which does not help either :roll_eyes:
it’s kind of miss and error-method. but that is a normal thing with MS.

even if we would do the “regular medicinal”-way it would be just guess-
work from the doctor’s side, as “modern medicine” sadly still has practi-
cally no idea what they are doing in regards to multiple sclerosis.they
can only try to prevent symptoms and those are different for everyone,
so, it’s futile work and most of the time creates even more problems.


Sending prayers and good thoughts to you both

I wish I could do more



You are probably aware of this, but still…


Does this mean that the seeds I won in the auction (Meridian Haze and Shiva x C99) were confiscated in the package @prisma sent you? I’m also located in the US and just making sure that I’m understanding you correctly.

It’s unfortunate when these things happen but that’s just the way it goes sometimes. All I know is I consider san a very good friend and it makes me happy that we were able to pitch in and help get his wife the meds she much needed/deserves.

OG family FTW!!! :+1: :pray: :slightly_smiling_face: