Harvested some butternut squash over the past few days. Its an heirloom variety, Dutch Crookneck Butternut Squash. They get large & are pretty easy to take care of. I’ve grown tired of weeding & keeping bugs off of tomatoes and peppers, its all fun and games until the summer kicks into gear and it’s 100F and one million percent humidity out, so my large garden’s summer crop is squash and melons and the tomatoes and peppers go in a raised bed. Plant 'em and let 'em go. They’ll out compete the weeds.
Anyhow, the squash came out great. They are excellent cubed and fried in butter or your fat of choice, baked, or, my favorite, soup. Made and canned a hair over 3 gallons worth yesterday.
About growing: they love the heat and long days of summer, seem to take all the food you can give them, and will take over your garden if you don’t steer the vines where you want them to go. You’ll need lots of room, but the rewards are worth it.
I have enough seeds for two 25 packs to whoever wants them. More will be available in the coming weeks, so don’t fret if you miss this round. I’m just super picky about which vines I pull seeds from and only one squash from the best vine was ripe so far (this is the one the seeds came from).
Sorry to my outside-of-US friends, but the seeds too big for a coinflip and envelope and the weight of the seeds adds up to over an ounce quickly, so I’ll have to keep them in the US . I wish this weren’t the case, but shipping bubble mailers internationally gets expensive in a hurry, often more expensive than if the recipient just ordered some from within their country.