General use Gardening thread

Can u run a 600 watt HPS bulb with a 1,000 watt HPS ballast ???

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Just pm me sir, and i will send some out. Still 4 packs left.


Thanks man.

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Busy busy

By the time canning season is over, I’m over it too


Soo good to pop those in the winter though. Very impressive job.


Thank you I’m always happy when the snow flies. .


Would love to try if any left. :slightly_smiling_face:Never tried from seed. Only cuts of cherry tomatoes :wink:


Harvested some butternut squash over the past few days. Its an heirloom variety, Dutch Crookneck Butternut Squash. They get large & are pretty easy to take care of. I’ve grown tired of weeding & keeping bugs off of tomatoes and peppers, its all fun and games until the summer kicks into gear and it’s 100F and one million percent humidity out, so my large garden’s summer crop is squash and melons and the tomatoes and peppers go in a raised bed. Plant 'em and let 'em go. They’ll out compete the weeds.
Anyhow, the squash came out great. They are excellent cubed and fried in butter or your fat of choice, baked, or, my favorite, soup. Made and canned a hair over 3 gallons worth yesterday.

About growing: they love the heat and long days of summer, seem to take all the food you can give them, and will take over your garden if you don’t steer the vines where you want them to go. You’ll need lots of room, but the rewards are worth it.

I have enough seeds for two 25 packs to whoever wants them. More will be available in the coming weeks, so don’t fret if you miss this round. I’m just super picky about which vines I pull seeds from and only one squash from the best vine was ripe so far (this is the one the seeds came from).
Sorry to my outside-of-US friends, but the seeds too big for a coinflip and envelope and the weight of the seeds adds up to over an ounce quickly, so I’ll have to keep them in the US :slightly_frowning_face:. I wish this weren’t the case, but shipping bubble mailers internationally gets expensive in a hurry, often more expensive than if the recipient just ordered some from within their country.


Ill take a pack friend. :smiley:



That one your holding is crazy looking. Super odd to me lol


You got it. Send your info and I’ll get 'em in the mail.

Sometimes the necks are straight, sometimes they’re bendy, they’re all good though.

One pack left for now.


Those are good baked for an hour with butter and cinnamon sugar. I use weed fabric to smother the weeds. Get it down when its spring and it will keep weeds away all season.


Sure bud, pm me an address and i will send them out!


Anyone have any good leads on hearty cucumber seeds? I tried some from Sow True this season, and they got massive, but the PM has been insane(despite being 95 degrees with under 25% rh). I don’t ask for much, just some decent pickles😂


@Hashpants if you’ve got room for one more on list, I’d like to add my name! Those German heirloom tomatoes look amazing. Would love to grow them next season :+1::heart:


Oh yeah, I love 'em baked…also fried in coconut oil w/ a little cinnamon.
I have a similar barrier setup going on here, but the non-woven type… whatever they call it, the one that looks like fabric pot material.
While I was debating which type to get (rainwater penetration related) a big roll of the non-woven type rolled into my life free of charge.
Does the rain penetrate your barrier well? I may have to pick some up for a smaller area I’m looking at.


Thank you🙂


I use the woven commercial weed barrier that landscaping folks use. I make the holes with a torch with a soup can attached. Makes a nice round hole with sealed edges.Water penetrates freely , i spray right on it with the hose.


Right on, I shall give that a try. I like the torch/can idea.


I’d be happy to take the other pack. I love butternut squash and was already gonna be growing them again next year anyways so trying a new variety that looks prolific sounds good to me.