Germination - what am I doing wrong?

I take seeds that did not pop and throw them in a pot - outside now that it is nice

a surprising amount actually germinate and grow ; even though nothing happened for a week or two indoors…

just my 2 cents


Same :pray:

From everything I’ve read on here and other threads over the last couple of weeks, i don’t think I’m doing anything wrong.

I’ve got about a 10% germination rate right now… just lost a sprout this morning so back down to 4… just tossed another 10 or so in the paper towel hoping to get 1 sprout out of that.

The only thing I can conclude is that these are old, dead seeds. As stated above, seed germination is not a dark art, it’s pretty darn straight forward, especially when you consider the whole grow process.

That being said, yeah I dropped for 12 feminized seeds from a local place here called the fireweed factory and have had 1 out of 4 of those pop- started germination on them 2 weeks ago do I really can’t explain that. I was hoping to get two guaranteed females out of 4 seeds but only got one.

Right now I’ve got 3 batches in separate containers on a heat mat set to 85. I started at 78 last night and saw nothing this morning so I ramped it up and added 10 more seeds- I don’t even count em now I just grab a pinch and throw them in.

I’d like to get at least 6 sprouted to fill out my 4x2 … preferably 8 to 10 and pick the best fems but I don’t think I’ll have that luxury this run.

I’m gonna look into investing in some chemicals for future germination projects. This has been quite the headache of an experience.

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More heat isn’t necessarily better. I just popped some new seeds on my kitchen counter at 72-75°. Soaked in a shot glass of water for 24h, then wet and wrung out a paper towel folded in half 2x and fold the seeds in that, put it in a plastic baggie and 2 days later (72h total since hitting water) they had 1/2-3/4 inch tails and went into a seedling cell with promix. Watered in with water and some beneficial bacteria and they were above soil a few days later.

I read through 90% of the thread and haven’t seen you state your process other than putting them on top of the fridge.
are you putting them in a grow media, water, paper towel…? What’s your exact process? We can give all the tips we have, but if there’s something you’re just straight up doing wrong, we might be able to tell you :grin:


Saw your picture after writing my comment, that soil looks a bit dense to be germinating seeds in, also try a smaller container, or something seed starter bags I see @DougDawson using.
Here’s what I start my seeds in normally, this or jiffy pellets but they’re a pain to pull the netting off before roots get through…
I should really just get a little soil blocker tool

They germinate in the small cell, grow for about a week - 10 days there, then get transplanted to the 4 inch pots

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So I started out by using the old tried and true method- damp paper towel rolled up in a plastic bag on top of the fridge, under a shoebox to keep light out… even had a thermometer in there … was hitting about 78 degrees.

After about a week of that I started another batch and decided to try soaking in water first and then moving to the same bag/towel setup.

After a week of that, I decided to go out and buy some seeds and pull back on the heat from the fridge so I changed the setup to damp paper towels inside tupperwares in a cabinet with ambient temp of 82 and no added heat.

That was what I did for the last week. Now I’ve got a heat mat under them, in the dark, set at 85. Two Tupperware’s and one sauce/plate, all seeds sandwiched between moist paper towels.

I usually check them once per day and add water via spray bottle. Non chlorinated, se Alaska tap water.

Edit- I’ve also tried straight in the soil and lightly cracking a seed or two at the seem… both with no luck.

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Only thing I’ll say is I’ve never had to add water to the paper towel when popping seeds. Even stuff that takes over a week if it’s in a sealed bag or in your case inside plates in a sealed Tupperware, you shouldn’t need additional water and you could be rotting/drowning them.
Just fold it in half and put the seeds on one side, then fold the other part overtop of them. Or between cotton makeup pads as someone else said.
Have you tried to squish or open and inspect any of the failed ones?

But If the ole paper towel method hasn’t even been producing tails I guess they could just be old or stored poorly

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Yes they are either black on the inside or white mush…

The seeds are most definitely soaked, they just don’t seem to be reacting to the water… hence adding the heat.

Maybe I have too much water? Maybe have bad seeds… I’m leaning toward the latter at this point.

I don’t usually do that until after 2 weeks

Soaking paper is the best method if your on it so it’s always moist
To me as I’m a pot head and can’t remember what I did 5 min ago, I like to put them straight in the soil but I do it in 1 cup for batch, so I won’t have a mess of cups some moist some maybe not and etc
This is how you control the conditions for all of them, this way you know, if 1 pop, they should all pop.


See mine looks identical to that setup I just don’t see any roots when I peel back the towel. :man_shrugging:

I either have a REALLY bad germination setup with 4 rockstars that managed to pull through it … or vice versa: a normal germination setup with bad seeds.

You have to accept the fact some seeds just won’t sprout.
Use your healthy logic, if 1 pop from your set up they should all do, if they didn’t, they probably are bad or just wait another day or 2.

This is some seeds I got from OG, I put 7, got 4, other 3 were either dead or I dunno, but same cup same everything I got 4 healthy seeds, no one can tell me something was wrong on my end, it’s just the reality of things.

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And I’m happy to accept that. It would actually be somewhat of a relief knowing I’m not doing something wrong here, lmao.

Them towels are shiney wet , not good , especially with towel on top compounding the overwatering

That is your problem

: )

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Makes sense. Yeah. It’s darkness, a little water, and maybe a little heat if needed. I think I just need to refresh my stock at this point.

I was in your position not long ago, I got so lame germ rates from like 3-4 packs of 15 seeds each (same breeder), and I tried paper towel, water cup and soil, nothing helped, I was starting to doubt my growing skills lol I was like wtf ??
Lucky I also planted a different pack from other breeder, and got 14 outta 15
That to me was a relief aswell, the 3-4 packs were just old and stored improperly or the breeder made a mistake I dunno again it wasn’t me haha

Edit - to verify this I also contacted him about those packs and he confirmed that they were old and he don’t know how they were kept before he got them, so… You catch my drift here :slight_smile:

Do you really think that though? Some people pop seeds in straight water you think an extra couple squeezes on the spray bottle is going to make that difference?

The water evaps off the towel so i usually wet it every 24-48 hours… I can try pulling back on the water for sure though.

I guess I’ll try wringing them out so they don’t drip at all.

I’ll try anything at this point :man_shrugging:

Yes I think so , I explain the understanding on a few posts earlier in topic
: )

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With a towel on or without it don’t matter, see my pic with the towel on…
But you gotta keep it moist, even wet, not swimming, that’s too deep
Just wet and after the initial wetness just spray the towel without lifting it so everything remains moist.

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That’s what I’ve been doing… there’s no standing water in the Tupperware, the towel holds it all in… maybe it’s still too much water… lol… :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

I appreciate everyone’s feedback on this.

Yes too much
: )
The older the seeds for example the less life in them
So the parameters are narrower regarding watering

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