Germination - what am I doing wrong?

I had some germination issues last fall and what I do now is just soak seeds in bottled water for 12-16 hours then fill up a solo cup of coco and pour about a half cup of hot tap water into the coco use a pen to poke a hole in the center and toss a seed in and cover it up then wrap it tight with plastic wrap. I put them right in the veg tent at 24/7 lighting around 8-10 DLI That method has averaged 2-3 day sprouts on my past 3 grows.

Scuffing the seeds with a nail file and method above gives me more control what the seed absorbs ( passively from the bottom and with humidity in sealed tub )

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Interesting. I think I’ll try a germination medium with some fulvic acid on hand next run. if there’s one thing ive learned it’s that there is no ‘right’ way to do this.

You have 3 variables: light/dark, water, heat. It seems to be a matter of dialing those in. Beyond that, it’s up to the seed.


fulvic acid, and to a lesser degree, its precursor, humic acid, are mother nature’s root stimulant.

Kelp and alfalfa meal, contain propagation hormones such as gibberellic acid, that can nudge slightly unviable seeds out of the dead zone, as well.


Light is not a variable to seeds, you need heat and water, soil helps or paper towel as it acts as a womb sort of speak applying some pressures on the shell to crack it.
Water alone has this power, but sometimes people struggle with only the water cup method.
Heat is your friend here, 25-30c is excellent, just keep it constant like that and have patience, some sprout fast some take 4-5 days.


Adding some hydrogen peroxide in a cup of water works on stubborn seeds for me. The HP helps break down the chemicals that are inhibiting germination and adds extra oxygen. Ive had some take up to 10 days to germ before but I tend to see better results with HP.

F€£¥#ck all that witchcraft & just demand new seeds or else you will tell all of overgrow about their bunk beans & fly by night asses :joy:

& if that doesn’t work just shake one of the trees around here




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I had major problems germinating my seeds, then I started snipping the tip of my seeds with nail clippers to help them open up easily and get moisture inside. It works like a charm. I don’t soak personally, I just fill some small plants bags with wet coco coir and put the snipped seed in. Best luck so far


Really? I was under the impression that no light helps the process…?

I might look into this peroxide thing. The seeds are definitely getting soaked and I’ve tried cracking the seams, which is the same idea as clipping the tips.

Yeah, again it all seems to boil down to heat water and lack of light… beyond that , possibly introducing chemicals.

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Agreed. It’s really easy with plugs.

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Normally you should get at least 90% no matter what you do.

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Yeah that’s why I’m questioning everything.

Pretty sure I’m dealing with bad seeds. I might try some light peroxide, but yeah, I’ve got everything dialed in pretty tight with temp, humidity, and moisture.

They simply aren’t responding.


It’s time to go seed shopping :seedling::man_shrugging:


call me JAFO (just another fucking observer) but you have been talking to growers with some of the cream of the crop genetics @JohnnyPotseed has a good deal going right now send him a dm or dm any one of the guys you have been chatting with if it comes from any one of the crew here it is fresh fire. no one in this chat can tell you what you will get from white label internet stock. except disappointment.


For sure, I’m gonna make this run work with the seeds I have and then reach out on here. I’m happy to pay for seeds, whatever works!

So how much hydrogen peroxide do you guys put on the seeds that you’re having trouble with?

Might as well try that tonight I got nothing to lose

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How much do you use?

Those are on day 2 of germination… gonna spray them with some peroxide… this stuff is 3% should I just use it straight?

Edit: sprayed the 3% straight on :crossed_fingers:

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I’m excited to follow along and see if the spray helps. Ill do a few mL in like 3oz of water and let em sit for a bit. 3% works great, most of what is sold commercially you can be a little liberal with given the dilution factor.

Don’t overthink it.

This germinated by being dropped in tapwater:

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Thanks… it’s a seed germination mix it’s probably just overwatered… it’s very airy.

Problem is is I’m not having any trouble once they actually sprout taproots. It’s getting the taproot out that I’m having trouble with.

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At this point, I’m just concluded that they’re bad seeds and have stopped thinking about it. If they pop, they pop.

It was hard not to overthink it though getting about a 10% germination rate or less

I’ve been pulling from a bag of randoms that could be up to 25 years old since I was a teenager I’ve been collecting seeds. So I guess this is expected to some extent. Though I can’t explain the ones I just bought having a 25% rate. It is what it is going to reach out to a few users on here and see if I can buy some seeds off someone fresh.