Grafting Mutant x Non Mutant Question

Hey ya’ll, hope you don’t mind dumb questions. I’ve been thinking about grafting lately, and I wondered if one could even successfully graft a branch of a mutant cannabis strain like freakshow with a non-mutant plant/roots. Or Vice Versa. I’m just curious as to the science of why that could or could not work.


I don’t see why the mutant wouldn’t still continue do it’s strange little thing. :thinking:
After all, it’s still a cannabis plant.

Do it, then show your results! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m dying with curiosity - why are you grafting? I’ve always been fascinated with the process; however, I never thought about it for weed.


I have the “multi strain mother” thing stuck in my head. Especially as someone with major space/resource restraints. Also it would look bad ass.

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Mutations are at a genetic level of change so the graft should still carry on the way it always did.
But if you graft a female onto a male root stalk ethylene will be blocked and the arm would turn male. I’m not sure if this would also happen in the reverse.
If you cut the old female now male arm off the male root stock and re root it, it will slowly change back to female again

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Hey Bert, you need to check this out. :wink:

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Thanks! This is cool!

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He had like 5+ cuts grafted onto the one mom.
Such a wild experiment.


Now I’m getting unfeasible mad hatter brain images of all mutant strains like Berry Freak, Drunken bastard, korean bbq qpp, variegated delight, and more all slapped onto one poor shrub.


This is all too familiar to my other pipe dream of open cross pollinating a patch of my favorite mutants to make the ultimate f1 gacha phenotype hunting extravaganza. Whew I just need to focus on being new at this instead.