Granny’s Molasses + Fish Shit

Grandma’s is unsulphured… Says right on it…

Only difference between grandma unsulphured and black strap is one additional boiling

You shouldnt be relying on ANY nutrition from molasses, strickly just giving something for the microbes to feed on during colonization

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Hey Hemp…I’m new, but all my dealings on this forum with Az have been cordial and helpful, to say the least. Not to mention he throws seeds around like confetti.

Calling out someone that you "think’ might have said something isn’t cool.


I just looked at the website. The sample packs are $16, but it’s a pretty generous deal with 5 separate products.

here ya go… Sample Pack! What’s inside?

Liquid Fish Hydrolysate (4oz)
Liquid Fish and Seaweed Blend (4oz)
Liquid Seaweed Plant Food (4oz)
Crab & Lobster Shell (~3oz)
Kelp Meal (dry/granulate) (~3oz)

Each liquid sample makes at least 4 gallons of fertilizer, for a total of 12 gallons!

I might check them out sometime. I use Roots Organics and they have a product called Surge that is a fish hydrolysate with kelp and molasses in it. It’s liquid and and used throughout the whole grow. Every other week it’s the only nute going on the plants.

I heard a podcast once the mentioned that too much molasses is actually toxic to the microbes. I think it has too much potassium if over used. Can’t verify that statement as it was from a couple into medical growing back east. I dropped my usage to about a 1/4 tsp per gallon.

I used Fish Sh!t from a sample. It’s just beneficial microbes found in the fish poop. There are a lot of the same type of products for sale these days; Mammoth P, Fish Sh!t, King Crab(or something similar), and I use dry Oregonism (Roots) which has a good variety of microbes, and use the others if I run out before I get paid. I felt like Mammoth P was improving results but it’s really hard to qualify that.


@Northern_Loki my apologies my apologies to the community I did take it down.

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What the heck did I miss? Lol

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Yea ! thats a good sample pack. have tried all that you mentioned, (mamonth, king crab, ect) check out Elemental nutrients - it’s a myco based nutrient and on some site this is in the top ten. (their root boosters) have gotten the sample pack 3 x’s - their is a base nutrient and a veg root booster and a flower root booster, have gotten great results with that line (only 3 products) again believe sample packs are $10.00 - elemental nutrients is worth a look-see One can make a natrual growth stimulator( just like Mammonth P) alfala meal, kelp, emenzines, and humic acid and then brew it for 24 hr.s. Here is another product called “Soil Balance” - excellant product but exensive a bit also that product has won a few cannabis cups - soil balance increases terpens and essential oils, have used with great sucess (have code for discounts and mark (owner) will answer all questions for use. But to use it as directed one must get at least100gr’s of(directions say use in veg but never have use in flower only gave great esults. If you have a strain that is terpene loaded you will be blowen away with results of use this.


Didn’t read your post’s concening this issue BUT it’s great that you own your “mistake” this says alot about you. than again we all have gone down that rabbit hole at some point in time (saying thing we shouldn’t have) takes a man to own their mistakes – apologie accepted !!! Peace


Not to much fish . I’ve heard that to much will cause your flowers to taste bad .

What, you don’t like the taste of fish shit?!?

I use Fish Shit. I was skeptical at first, but after using it in Promix with salts and in an aero garden with herbs, it’s a good product. Is it worth the cost? Ehhhhh that’s debatable, but catch it when it’s on sale and possibly with freebies, and it becomes more justifiable. If there’s anything living in your medium, it makes more sense imo.


I got it thrown in last year on an order…I used it and it sure didn’t hurt.

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Got a sample of Fish Sh!t and have used Granny’s plenty. Both are fine. The Fish Sh!t makes for a good addition to the soil microbiota and the Granny’s makes for a good carbon based food source. I tend not to use molasses in the tent so much these days as I like the microbes to rely on the plants and mulch for carbon. I think it’s a bit easier to create a boom/bust in the tent where I’ve got a bunch of plants, a ton of microbial activity, and some semblance of balance.

In the yard though, it’s a different ballgame. Paired with LABs, molasses can be applied at what I consider a high rate, about a 1/4 cup per gallon. Apply this to a compacted area of the yard with some yucca extract, put some mulch and wait a few days. Swing back through and apply an inoculant like Fish Sh!t, worm castings, or whatever else and water it in. It takes a bit of time but has worked on multiple spots that for various reasons have become compacted over time. The grass has finally started sending runners to those areas and little clover seeds have taken. Now if I can get my neighbor to stop walking through the yard every time it rains. :roll_eyes:


no nutrients are in fish shit so I use during flush to keep the soil full of “microbes” that help in over-all health of your soil (removal of salts)


Ok…just adding my $.01 worth, not $.02, cuz I’m cheap :slight_smile:

We love seafood…especially shellfish. I’m in the middle of picking out a 5 gal pail of picky-toed crab as we speak.

I also realize this is an older thread, but still has a lot of great info in it.

Given the cost of the fish supplements, and given the amount of lobster and crab we eat over the course of the year, I don’t buy any of the stuff mentioned here.
Instead, when we have crabs or lobster, I take all the bodies and put them in a heavy duty contractor bag, and then stomp on them for 2-3 minutes. I then take the crushed shells/bodies and put them in a 5gal bucket of water and mix them up, then use the “seafood tea” to water my plants and feed my soil. I’m sure that Neptunes (which I used awhile back) and the other brands have some stuff my “tea” might not have, but it’s free, and easy.

Works great on my tomatoes, too.



Sounds like a good plan… but if you’re living in the center of the country where seafood isn’t plentiful or inexpensive, my plants would wait a long time for me to accumulate enough shells and tails to make my own.

This harvest, I have not used the fish-sh/t - granny solution and the plants are tall and bushy without them. You can see pictures under My 1st Diary of 2023.

Thanks for the tip!

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I understand. I’m very fortunate in that regard.
Something as simple as shrimp shells works well too.

I mentioned some time ago that in some cases, folks spend a lot of time and effort trying to dial in that last 10%.

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I’m pretty close to the actual “middle” of the country and seafood is scarce, lol. I do live 2 miles from a lake, though, and I freeze the fish carcasses after filleting them. I’m gonna get an inoculant and make some homemade fish hydrolysate.

I have to figure out how to do it without bears getting into it. I’ve heard it really stinks until it sits for a while.