Greenhouse cooling (misters are my idea at the moment)

Do u have an online buy/sell sites in ur area like craigslist or offer up,? I got mine from craigslist

I do. And I have ventilation fans in the greenhouse already that bring in outside air… just need to cool it

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So…. I tried misters just because it was a cheap solution and I wanted to see first hand how it worked…

It worked… but only to a degreee. I found once it cooled to a certain point the mist actually absorbed heat and after a cool down it started to warm back up even while the misters kept spraying.

So I’m now ready to try the swamp cooler idea. Upon reading I’m finding they don’t work as well in humid areas… I’m in Michigan and you have said you have had great results, but your in a pretty dry area I think…. I wonder how that would effect a swamp cooler up here?


That’s a bit much for my setup :grin: at least for now lol


It’s definately not going to work as well there as it will here in the SW. It may work better than the misters.

I think if you’re above 60-70% RH it’s going to be a moot point, it really doesn’t cool much anymore.


Did some googling about Michigan greenhouse cooling and this was the first result:

What is your actual humidity? 30-50%? It may still be worth it…


It Varies so much it’s hard to say… morning humidity is high, but it’s cooler… by afternoon it drops to around 50-60% but all last summer the humidity “inside” the greenhouse was always way low with temps above 100 F for at least part of the day. Even with my fans going full bore.

So my goal is, less heat, more humidity. They did good last year, but I’m sure not they thrived…. So I’d like to get at least closer to ideal.

I put an air conditioner in there but that doesn’t seem to put much of a dent in the temps, plus it dehumidifies…

My current day

@Dirt_Wizard has a pretty good idea here. It doesn’t have to be a full geothermal grid, but you could easily dig a few holes. If you have power near by, place a fan down there pointed up, and cover with a grate for safety. Voila!
I bet you’d see a big difference.


Dig holes where? In greenhouse? Because floor is concrete and gravel about 5” thick.

I don’t think the swamp cooler / evap cooler is totally crossed out. 85F and 40% RH you’d still be getting 70F air coming out of it in the afternoon when it counts. And keeping things cool late-morning thru afternoon will help you as the evening rolls around


Well they are def called desert coolers for a reason. The big benefit it would create is the forced air factor. I put my cooler on the lower rear of my greenhouse and leave a small 1x2 panel out right above my door in the top front. Shoves and forces all that hot air up and out, that’s the only simple solution I’ve found to beat the heat from the greenhouse effect and I’ve been in 120 degree summers, we pretty much have the same greenhouse just lil diff environment

Misters just make a wet mess and cause rot eventually


Chop saw? :yum:

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If I had a greenhouse, I’d try something like this.

Id only go for a forced air unit pumping outside air in and greenhouse air out. Problem when u have a swamp cooler recirculating the same air is humidity levels get excessive and eventually just becomes a giant fan with little cooling efficacy and defeats the purpose

Used markets u can pick em up for 50-100 bucks all day long, why trip over a buck trying to save a nickel going diy, ur gonna spend that in materials and still have to build it

Yeah, I agree, but I had to try it to see myself lol :crazy_face:

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Apparently in my area there is not a big surplus lol but I agree I just bought one instead or building one. But building one seems fun :man_shrugging:t2:

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Lol maybe in the off season? :crazy_face::smile:

When you’re this cool they call you mister.