GregOG's Server Fundraiser May 2024

33 years old, unbelievable recovery, he wrecked his bike 4 days ago and has some spots right now , he’s dedicated to making me worry constantly lol

Sores are looking black, never knew when you see sores going upward on the body, that’s MRSA head to the brain.

His one on the chin and cheek, how close it was to death for him.

Thursday and this year weather was terrible, you’ll enjoy growing AHP indoors.

Hope you can all forgive me, one day near the hospital , I locked my keys in the car, pulling down hard blew out a groin hernia. I was in panic to get to the ER,

Driver side was broke, should have gone down easy, off the track, nope swinging and hang pulling… boom.

Now I gotta get surgery, first time in my life I’ll be 60 in a few years. :dove: no one said doing that would cause that. They said don’t lean over and lift , so make a note, there is another way lol

Unbelievable how good his scar was. :thinking:


Family first. :+1:

We’re good, you and I. No rush.


Yeah man take care of you and I’m not stressing brother, I hope you catch a break soon and glad your boy made it threw and fast recovery!


As promised I sent out all but a few, I’ll have the rest sent out tomorrow, tracking numbers we purchased on each one, guaranteed delivery or I’ll send more.

I threw in an extra one with Washington Skunk x Kanak Balochistan for @misterbee
I threw a big set in a seperate padded envelope, of those seeds. Look for 2 of them.

Anyone needing your tracking number just message me.


AT “OG”, @GregOG, 'preciate all your efforts!!! Do enjoy a pleasant weekend, take care, stay safe and, indeed, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I just got mine today, thank you.
I hope your son has a fast recovery.


Package landed safely @GregOG.
Sending healing vibes for your son’s recovery.

Thank You ! ! !


Hes finally getting good rest, had his first cardic rehab doc appointment.

That’s the old school way to send them. Freezer box cardboard.

I’ll post a video of AHP in veg soon from drive, I never seen something grow like it does non topped, with branches coming out everywhere like a Christmas tree


2 volunteers popped, one male and female, I had to pull the male. It was a beautiful male.

It never received any plant food. It may not require much to grow.

Winds 80 ripped plants apart. AHP was the only plants that didn’t break. My got slanted from the ground lifting.

I used something to pull it back then removed it, my 6 x 6 hole and mound was shifted lol

I crossed some Kanak Balochistan into that plant. Drop them all and breed the best male to all females. :sunglasses::+1:


That’s a nice looking plant, there’s going to be alot of bud on her!

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The yield will make it lean over, unbelievable how strong it stands, yet at harvest it needs the root zone to hold its weight in the end,

So root zone is the number one thing to breed for, I haven’t tried clones yet.

A long time ago I was told to unlock hidden genetics do a special trick. I tested it on AHP, turned crazy colors lol.

Kanak balochistan male pollen hit it, thats the seeds forming.

Topped it does well too.



Got those Packages today…SUPER THANKS!!! CONGRATS on your success, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Sorry to hear about your son hope everything works out for him. Great giveaway the ancestral hash plant is amazing smoke was a favorite of last summer. The red skunk 18 you worked is just starting to flower stretch outside! All your genetics are great. Thanks for all you do on og.


Thanks everyone, it was a struggle to accomplish anything the past months, one time I had a small window , I couldn’t move for 3 days in a center of a room worried.

My apologies for the longest fundraiser in OG history. :100::dove:

Not to mention, this seed was found from an AHP, the seed cover was this color

The seed looked like this.

Screenshot_20240212_230522_Gallery Screenshot_20240212_230507_Gallery

Don’t know what male hit it, but know what males were close, AHP being one. :dove:


Hey homies
Merry christmas!

Aincent hashplant landed thanks alot!


Seeds came in ! Many thanks @GregOG without a doubt!


Beans between sheets came in. Thank you!


look what showed up in the box today… very happy to recieve this :fire:.? Thanks for getting these sent out @GregOG


Thank you so much, @GregOG! You’re awesome!! :+1:

My 87 year old upstairs neighbor, who is illiterate and speaks no English, grabs any packages not inside one of our boxes and gives them to us later to keep them from being stolen. Juan is a good guy. I’m not sure how long he’s had this.

I’m really looking forward to these next year! Pot leaf hopper


Awesome , can’t wait till they all get mailed to everyone, especially 3 counties who won.

They are great indoor plants too. :100::dove: