Grow journal, chat and giveaways and occasionally art and 3D printing!

hee hee ya see ya got me talking about my kids :blush:
i totally forgot to congratulate you and your youngest

that is so cool you can bounce about all chuffed :star_struck:
something else incoman i too have quite a lot of metal in me

you and me must be touched by the ganja gods or summut ive got a pair of chainsaw trousers with a massive slash just above the protection due to a kick back just a tiny scratch on very top of thigh :woozy_face:
made me quite shaken for a while, i’ve seen someone lose their hand about 5" above the wrist in a split second :astonished:

sorry to drop that bummer but… the guy was a total tool and had been arrested for domestic violence
so… its f£$king karma in my eyes

one love :om:


Been out weeding all day. I sit down on my porch s swing look down the porch and see a weed I missed growing from underneath the porch. I told hubby that’s a big one you’ll have to pull that one!
He walks over and says are you sure you want me to pull it? Lol I say Yes!! Pull it out! Again laughing he says you’re sure!? Damn, pull the weed already…!! Right?
Well let me show you…



Dontcha just love it when they come up volunteer?And she looks decent too. I hope you have decided to nurture that one.


Haven’t decided…:thinking::smirk:
If it gets to 6- 9 feet, I might have to.:flushed:


Wow, and a beautiful narrow leafed lady as well! Lucky! I found two volunteer rasberry plants in some pots I had sitting outside and I thought I was lucky.


Two years ago, at the end of autumn, I found a tiny Black N Blu Cookies in the yard. It was about 3 inches tall. Had maybe 3 nodes. But she had beautiful magenta pistils growing already. I dug her up and messed with her for about 4 months and got a couple lids of nice smoke.


It is right at my front door!! IDK of its going to stay or not. I might try digging it out and see if it makes it. No idea WHAT it is!! :woman_shrugging::upside_down_face::v:


Curiosity would get the best of me. I would HAVE to try to grow it. If you dont, that may be the best cannabis you never grew.


Oooo! Now you’re perking the interest! Lol
I’ll have to see if it’s doable…


Tap root is probly just a tad deeper than the plant is tall. I would take a shovel and carefully dig a large hole right there. Then scoop her out. Go find a good place to put her. Dig the hole the same as the plants clump. Put that in the old hole and the plant inthe new one. Easy peasy. May want to water her a bit before you start digging to keep the root ball together.
She has already shown a strong will to live. Would be a shame to kill her.


Damn it !! @BigMike55 you just made me work a little bit more!
Now I can’t leave it. Going to become a mystery plant project… lol
Must be some strong genetics to last through our winter!
But, you’re right @BigMike55 I would just wonder if I don’t. :green_heart::v:


Shoot. Have your man do the digging and you do the pointing. Easy as pie. Dont tell me you have no delegation skills. Haha.


That’s not how it works around here!
I’m usually doing most of the outside labor. Lol
He still works all day. Then he usually cooks!
Hard work don’t scare me none!

I was working one day and said to him , " Your just gonna watch me?" He says “Yes, I like the looks of those arms!” LOL
Hard work is how I stay in shape, pretty much! Lol


Yeah, he’s probably a lot like me.
I like hard work. It fascinates me. I can sit there and watch it for hours! Hawhaw.


That sound like the ex. He sat on the tractor will we (I have 3 daughters) shovel either what is in the loader out or shovel the shit into it. I did state EX right. :laughing:

:green_heart: :seedling:


:sunglasses: :metal:


haa haa im with @BigMike55 let it grow

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Well, Hubby says leave it where it is.
It’s established, likes its location, hidden pretty much. Just letting it do its thing, I guess! :v::green_heart:
Grow on!!


So now let’s hope for a girl. I bet that will be some awesome smoke.


Train it into something weird using strange and unconventional techniques!