Grow journal, chat and giveaways and occasionally art and 3D printing!

Open until midnight my time! EST


The story she picked was @Limeflavouredheadbut
Send me your details.
For the Bubba Kush
Black and Blue Skunk

Thank you everyone for sharing your stories! I loved reading them all!


Congratulations @Limeflavouredheadbut !

:green_heart: :seedling:


@Limeflavouredheadbut Congrats!
I would have just laughed myself LOL :+1: :v: :green_heart:


good morning @Bobgrows :smiley:
good morning all :smiley:
its 6:40am here that is the coolest way to wake up thank you so much and thank your daughter to :star_struck: :star_struck:

gotta get some coffee and have a couple of bong hits anyone want?? :grinning:

back in a bit


:blush: ok a pint of road tar and several toots i can nearly walk straight :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

honestly this is so cool of you dad’s day was just cooking and such! (i do all the cooking in our house mrs lime works very hard :heart_eyes:) i’m straight up chuffed :kissing_closed_eyes:

he has defo been a roller coaster of a child (my eldest just got head hunted by cambridge university bio chemistry department and is now doing her phd my lil girl is gonna be a dr :star_struck: :exploding_head: :kissing_closed_eyes:chalk and cheese those two :exploding_head:) but in amongst the heart ache and tears there have been moments of true joy like most lives, ok enough of my thread hi-jak appolegies bob :innocent:

thanx man we did alot of laughing (and crying :neutral_face:) and tellin judgemental tools to f!"k rite off :smirk: :rofl:

just had another look at the pic of AG that is gonna be some beast i used to be a tree surgeon probably cant climb and take her down from the top anymore, but i can drop her safely when the time comes :thinking:i’ve still got my 44 inch chainsaw :rofl:

thank you @G-paS :hugs:
growth in growing :seedling: :herb: :evergreen_tree:


Happy days @Limeflavouredheadbut

: )


Congrats @Limeflavouredheadbut!! Well done!!


hey hey they are now think im gonna pop some of them bubba with my next batch :smirk:
love ya mappito thread :green_heart: :green_heart:

thanx man enjoyed ya tales :kissing_closed_eyes:



Congratulations on your daughter getting into Cambridge! WOO ! HOO!!
We have something in common. My youngest has 14 more months until he’s a Dr.!! Anesthesiologist!
Just makes your heart proud! Doesn’t it?

Year before last, we had to use a chain saw to cut the plants down! It was Beautiful!

Yes! The AG is going to be massive! Hungry thing, too!

Don’t apologize for chatting on my thread. That’s still part of the story.
No problem! I enjoyed your story! :v::blue_heart:


@Limeflavouredheadbut , my new run is starting soon ( slurricane #7 ) in two weeks ish , will the bubbas be in your topic , would love to watch , tag me if so : )


hee hee proud doesn’t even come close when i think how well she is doing (she is literally like the new wonder women tall powerfull and so smart its scary not to mention as beautiful as her mother dont know where she gets the brains we’re dumb as posts :crazy_face:) im grinning like a cheshire bleedin cat :smile_cat: :smile_cat:

:astonished: :astonished: omg do you have any pics that sounds nuts :chestnut: :peanuts:



sorry man dont have a diary yet ive just photo bombed a few other ppls threads :upside_down_face:
like @santero (green wizard :mage: that man)


Well pics are a bit impossible to retrieve from this…

Starting over with pics! Lol
Yeah… fell out of my pocket into the fire :smirk:


:rofl: :rofl: my my you dont do things by half :stuck_out_tongue:
can the apple store not sort it they are geniuses dont ya know :upside_down_face:
that is a true shame a chainsawn felled plant would have made a legend pic :thinking: lumber jack bob thats gotta be a discovery channel special :wink:

grow on!!!

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I didn’t cut them. Hubby did.
I’m not allowed to touch chainsaws and drills, so I was told.
I’m a bit of a disaster at times! Lol
Kids and hubby want to keep me with the parts I’ve been given. What I have left anyways! :smirk: Oh, but they’ve added parts to me ,too! Lol screws, bolts, cages, rods doner bone, some artificial pieces in a few places. Like humpty dumpty, I was put back together again! Lol


When we where building our house, I waited till the Ex was at worked and re-did the trim. I wasn’t allowed to use the table saw.

The chainsaw was the one tool I never used. But, when my husband’s Alzheimer got bad, I had to learn how to use it to keep him balanced. Otherwise he would be doing it unsupervised. (I do have a pair of jeans with a hole. Just a scratch on the leg. Lesson learned.)

You sound like my oldest sister

:green_heart: :seedling:


This reminds me of a time, a guy I worked with came in all pissed off one day… his story was that his wife was changing the baby with her cel phone on her shoulder. about the time the diaper was off the phone slipped and fell into the pile of butterscotch pudding. and she made him dig it out and clean it up. He had pics and everything. It was disgusting.


:rofl:That is to funny. I am glad I never had a phone attached when I had my kids. I actually interacted with the child. How times have changed.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Good thing, that could have been real bad.
Jeans can kinda save ya, they bind the saw a bit.
Wow! close call!