Growing in an open room?

So, summer is coming and it’s gonna be real hot after june 10th. I grow indoors and do not own an A/C, the electrical bill is big already
I was wondering if I can grow autos as is, no tents, no boxes… just hang the lights over them and put a fan to gently blow air towards them.
My summers get to 36c come july/august


Depending on what type of heat your lights generate ?
Pretty tough in that type of heat not to run ac .


Of course you can. With the high heat make sure to keep a sharp eye on your watering but otherwise I don’t see an issue.

I am also assuming you’ll be using LED. If not, heat could be too much of a problem.


In a closed tent and screw in leds, last spring I had 28c top of the tent… Outdoors it was around 18 c at the time.
And yes… It’s a pain with no A/C
Also very humid summers

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i have run no tent many many times, i actually prefer it .


These are all growing in an open room not in a :tent:!


I grow in an open room with leads

With central ac

And temp and rh. Are about 77 and 50 all day down to like 72 at night seems to work for me during veg I close the door and bring temp up to 82 and humidity high 60s


What are the 5 gallon water bottles for? If you don’t mind me asking.

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They are just that jugs to water plants PH to 5.7-6.2 with Lomé’s juice for coco and using a pump that gives equal amounts of water as well as sufficient runoff so the bags may wick up the next couple of days I also folia’s spray with cal at solution 3 -4 times a day

average temp and RH


edit: I found a few ugly snaps from 2006 maybe 2005, bare bulb, was building all my HID’s, hps/mh way later cmh’s also. Ugly plants also, I had a lot to learn LOL. So no poking big fun at my ugly!! LOL!
I once ran in an open area, I used paint tarps, and hung them like shower curtains, to tighten up the light into that area.
I was just building up way back then, and needed to build skills, and bud, to barter and trade for mo stuff!
A swamp cooler may get a few lower degrees also.



I grow in an open room. Given, I do have a couple of cabinets that I will use for different things, my main space is open.
This space is in the basement. So it does fairly well with the use of my lighting and fans as a heat source. :+1:


I’ve grown in a green house in 115-120 degree Fahrenheit just fine, plants can handle heat, roots cannot. Had some days I lost power and got up to 160 in there, just did waterings when it happened and they were just fine. Plants are more resilient than u think and getting aloe into soil or as a foliar and it will help with the heat resistance


Thank you for clarification and an explanation of use! Very smart HACK! :clap::+1::peace_symbol:

Again yet another GR8 hack to get in the game!:clap::+1::facepunch::partying_face::peace_symbol:

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damn 120f … I tried growing in ~100f altho it was in an enclosed space most of the time. After 2 weeks the space was full of white flies and from what I remember spider mites(?)
I also put the plants in the windowsill for a breath of fresh air every >
needless to say they turned up like sh^t . But the ones that were first vegged and were moved outside gave plenty of chunk for autos (my first ever auto grow) - that time has gone, I am limited by my small condo
BUT, you are proof that it can be done , albeit in a greenhouse… maybe a condo won’t help.
Any tips and tricks ? Ofc watering more often , and maybe don’t let them sit in the windowsill … aloe you said…
Man I wish I had a basement grow with low temp problems, those I can solve
An a/c is just not yet affordable
Maybe I’ll do a mini guerilla … :confused:

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My country is humid af during summer, a swamp cooler sounds even worse (?)
Aah … this is the one kinky sh%t I hate about summer. No homegrown,just piss poor sh%t bud from the street … also paying for it… I hate paying even for top bud because I know I can do it myself


Lots of air flow, doesn’t have to be cool air just keep things from being stagnant. I water indoor autos about once a week. U may wanna consider looking on your buy and sell market for a window swamp cooler on ur place so ur not roasting out In the summer. Easy and cheap way to cool without the dreaded high power bill

This is a 5x7 room in my old mobile I was living in, doesn’t matter how crammed for space u are for autos they fit anywhere, there was 55 plants and 7 lights in that pic


Well you’ve definitely got the right attitude to make it happen. If there’s a will, there’s a way! :wink::+1:


Oh didn’t know that, then they just a giant fan, which still ain’t a bad thing cuz they can move a lot of air

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Mein fkn Odin it’s a jungle in there … :zipper_mouth_face:
Good point @blowdout2269 :100:

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