Guerrilha 23º S ..BR

Oh yeah, they love him (sarcasm). A lot of cops have drunk the Kool-Aid, and genuinely believe in the Reefer Madness nonsense. I bet some of them had the hots for some hippie chick. got rejected and never got over it.
Don’t get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for what law enforcement does. I’m a combat veteran and no stranger to wearing a uniform, carrying a weapon and trying to keep people from tearing each other apart (counter-insurgent operations are very complicated, to say the least). I’m thankful there are hard men out there putting dangerous people in jail, but their energy and motivation needs to be directed at actual criminals. On the other hand, police corruption should be prosecuted as treason.


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

… It’s very sad While many dedicate themselves to being an exceptional soldier, many others dirty their uniform and generates discredit… It’s certainly an extremely important tool that can be misused by those who are more succetive…


We need cops, but cops need scrutiny and close control. We could end the War on Drugs and a lot of issues would resolve themselves, but nobody is interested in realistic solutions.


Just a camera would do a lot…Mortes por intervenção policial caem 80% após câmeras em uniformes
With self-stereotyping by the police…
How will we achieve representation…anyone who suffers the direct or indirect reflection of oppression does not feel represented or the desire to represent…

That doesn’t sell… War on Drugs Yes…


Body cameras are very much a good thing.

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Hi guys …
After some time without posting here I’m here to bring news of how the girls are doing…
Photo of them recently transplanted in September…

Of the PCK x CL X PY crosses, only two females and I have already finished them…

The rest of the plants hermated but I took the hememaphrodites to the swamp and left them alone…After a while I went to see how they were and brought it back…

I Taked clones of all of them but I kept only one of the clones …The other female could not keep but when I harvested I left the lower part of the plant that is in the process of reveg…

The clone that survived on the left…And a clone that was taken from the PCK x CL X PY Last year my partner took it out and revegetated that I also took the clone from clone …

She blooming …

She in the guerrilla last year…

Photo of them last week…

And replaces them with younger clones recently…

The mother was also a little tired I did a root pruning but I preferred to replace them…

The new mother… With (PCKxCL X PY reveg and other clone PCKxCL X PY)…

Replacing the mother…

More clones…

And new crosses I’m testing…(PCK x CL X Hawaiin snow x PY X BKV 2.0 x Sativa sour Diesel )

Them before going to the guerrilla…

They in the guerrilla…

And the other residents are …

Male Plant …

And the upside spot …

Thanks OG see you soon…

48 gjhghgufo hippy.gif ...


Looks great, thanks for the update!


Thank you so much Bro @Tejas...comprimentos...


amazing guerrilla bro, the male looks promising have you looked at his flowers with the magnifying glass to see if he has some trichomes?

:prayer_beads: :om:


Salve Salve Mano @Shanti-ri...comprimentos...
I hadn’t thought of that… But I brought him away for a pollen capture…
And I took some pictures but I only see some non-glandular trichomes… I believe he was still too young to know of any predisposition to produce trichomes, it should have been a few more days/weeks…

Valeu Guerreiro TamoJunto 48


if you have trichomes you can smoke them, here I do that, I smoke the flowers in my pipe or vaporizer with that I already have an idea of the taste of the male, then when I smoke the progeny I will have an idea of what the male is going through or to see if it has any taste.


se tem tricomas pode fumá-los, aqui eu faço isso, eu fumo as flores no meu cachimbo ou vaporizador com isso eu já tenho ideia do sabor do macho, aí quando eu fumar a progênie já vou ter uma ideia do que o macho está passando ou para ver se tem algum gosto.

Tamo junto

:prayer_beads: :om:


So I’ve never had the luck to take a male visibly resinous… Maybe because of early eradication it doesn’t show its potential… I remember reading somewhere that the males start to show resin from the fifth week of flora (I don’t remember where) … confu....zzz … But I know that this hair is like a predisposition to produce resin…I will incinerate part of it later in the bong…bonghit2


Guerrilha guerrilhando :sunglasses: nice!!

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Salve Salve Mano @zen...comprimentos...
Valeu Guerreiro Tamo Junto …

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Hey guys… hippy.gif ...
Just dropping some pics from the last visit…Some clones needed to go for guerrilla… I took the opportunity for make some records …

Sativas stretch …

Crosses too…

And Clones …

And a piece of yellow to wait…whistling clockwatch

Very grateful OG see you soon… hippy.gif ... wave (1)


Your guerilla garden is coming along nicely!

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Thanks a lot bro @Tejas...comprimentos...


Guerrilla forest I would say icon_eek|nullxnull, best wishes for a monstruous crop … beer3|nullxnull

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Hey Bro @George

They seem to like wildlife …

_harvest _harvest

Tamo Junto Mestre 48


Maa friend!!? Whaaat? What wonderful nice plants!
This is a respect guerrilla!