Strong, body and mental high, but not sleepy or sedative.
Tiny little pinner of Galaxy Brain.
Last time I smoked a joint of this, it fucking blew my head off and I got the spins, stumbling like a dumb fuck, falling down making dinner high.
And I stopped halfway.
I was really tired though, so tonight I’ll try again. Out of my Dynavap it is not head exploding lol.
So today, a tiny little pinner.
Check it out, I just stumbled on to this on Ebay…I knew some how there’s got to be a machine that rolls cone joints…Out of curiosity, does anyone have one of these? I know it wouldn’t apply to this thread but I would still buy one, so I won’t have to do a lot of overthinking rolling cone joints.
that’s not a bad problem to have.
I have the 78mm version of these. they work great.
Damn there’s some skills in this thread. I have to cheat and use a roller because it does so much better than me.
Damn I need a roller, my old fingers get stiff.
Yo talk to me about that open end/filter/mouthpiece situation you got there. That’s looks exactly like a joint I was passed at the DC101 chili cook off years ago, thing looked like the dude had meticulously folded the paper over a cardboard crutch or something, perfectly formed, rigid to keep the roach together when it burned down, I’ve been chasing that rolling tech ever since
I roll a tiny tube about a 1/4 inch long out of the cardboard and roll it up with a tiny bit over overhang. Once rolled, I twist the top and carefully fold the ‘overgang’ part back into the crutch. There’s always a Bic pen or three around, so I take the ink part out and use the graduated tip of the pen casing to insert into the crutch, thereby completing the fold that ‘locks in’ the crutch.
If it’s too wide, flatten it a little between your lips.
Good part is they dont get glued shut w resin and you have a extra 1/4 inch to not give yourself bacon lips
Edit, also just as easy to roll it first and then slip in the crutch; the pen will widen the crutch as you push it in with the graduated tip, then fold inward and lock it in twth the tip again.
Hope this helps!
I’m for sure gonna have to try that, I roll spliffs with crutches all the time but never tried that style before
It’s purely utilitarian, an just so happens to be nice and tidy looking. Function dictates form
Here’s another one of my Bic tricks. It’s the same diameter as this ti nail. So use it like an apple corer to punch out two intersecting passageways into the center of the apple (it helps to visualize the passageways into the center of the great pyramids lol)
Pen in the side, nail in the top.
Ps I found out where all the 10mm sockets keep going, lol (carb cap)
There should be a life hack thread for this shit! (Is there one?)
Sometimes I get fancy and fold into a perfectly legible cursive ‘breadwinner’
The double ‘n’ is a motherfucker haha
What the hell is a Pinner LOL
Hog Legs Only!