Rolling the most flavorful and smoothest burning J

So, everyone has their favorite consumption methods… for me, you just can’t beat the simple joint. Something about both burning the flowers and vaping them (the hot airs vaporizes the flowers lower down in the joint as the cherry burns) does something magical for both the flavors and effects of our favorite plant. I’ve been rolling joints (and at one point cigs) for a long long time now. I’ve done it just about every different way you can imagine. King sized L’s with crutches. Giant crutched cone joints. No crutch hippy joints rolled easy etc etc. That said, for quite some time now I think I’ve landed on the perfect way to roll one up if all you care about is A. the flavor of your joint. B. the smooth burn of your joint. So without further adieu:

Step 1:
First off - you’re going to need some ground flower. Do not over-grind your flower! Usually a half turn in a decent grinder (i like mendo mulchers) in either direction is more than enough. You want more surface area protected / unexposed to the joint vaporization that occurs. This greatly improves the flavor of your joints already. A powdered joint won’t burn evenly either. The goal of your grind should be to grind it enough so it will burn decently but no more than that. Sometimes, if I have a lot of time on my hands and the weeds morphology has that og/chem kind of “many little bracts” morphology, I’ll break it up by hand and just put the individual bracts into the J. Along with your flower of course you’ll need a paper. I recommend element rice papers. In my opinion they provide a nice middle point in practicality, price and flavor. Old modianos, pure hemps and raws all deserve honorable mentions. Please don’t use orange zigzags :nauseated_face: . Also, never, ever use a crutch unless you’re smoking with someone who has no idea how to smoke through a joint. Crutches destroy the flavor of the flower and, although they make drawing on joints “easier” if you are unfamiliar with how to draw on a crutch-less joint, they actually make the joint cherry too hot which skunks up the rest of the unburned weed and also negatively impacts the taste of the joint even more than the gross crutch flavor they impart.

  1. One you have your weed ground and your paper handy. Take the paper and crumple it up into a tiny little spitball like this:

This will help the paper contour much better to the ground up weed once you get to rolling and will result in a much tighter and slower burning joint that never runs. I learned this originally from an old school jamaican guy. At first I doubted it and it sure looks weird but, it makes a huge difference!

  1. Next you’ll want to unroll the paper and then fold it inside out and make a new crease about 1/3 of the way up the paper like this:

  1. Then, take your ground flower and load it into the paper. Make sure the glue is “backwards” !! eg. if you hold the paper up in front of you it’s on the bottom facing away from you. Once you get the flower in the paper slowly compress it by rolling it back and forth like you might if you were trying to make a clay snake. You want to pre-form the flowers into a joint shape before you roll. This makes for a much tighter and thus smoother and slower burning joint. Eventually after a few rolls it should look like this:

  1. Ok, so here’s the (slightly) tricky part. Once you’ve got the flower taco-d nicely in the paper. Slowly roll the bottom of the paper up and then tuck it in so the paper is doing one single full loop around the flower and the glue is on the inside facing up. Lick the outside (non glueside) of the paper where the glue is kissing it and hold so it sticks. This single loop of paper is probably the most important part of this inside out technique. It often will halve the amount of paper on your joint which makes an immense difference in both flavor and how slow it burns. Without all the excess paper you can really taste your flower and it’ll burn ultra slow and even. You’ll end up with a single loop of paper around the flowers with a funny half paper sticking straight out like this:

  1. Next, take a lighter and burn off all that excess paper! It’ll look like this afterwards:

  1. Crumple and roll the tips of your joint to further compress the flower inside and to create a comfy mouth piece to then use to smoke through! The final product will look something like this:

  1. Spark up and enjoy the smoothest, tastiest, slowest burning J you’ve ever smoked :smiley:

Anyways, this is just my method that I landed on after trying out literally every way I could think of to roll one up. Let me know what you think, if you roll like this, or if you roll some other better way!



Some good info…

My preferred method of smoking is by far a joint…love em!!

The only thing I would add would be a crutch!

And TBH…I never used them up until the last few years…now I couldn’t imagine smoking a J without one in it…



Looking real nice! You can’t beat a good joint imo :yum:

And yeah… to crutch or not to crutch! the age old question. I rolled mine with crutches from when i started rolling until only ~5 years ago or so but, now that I’ve ditched em I can’t go back. I’m sure it’s a bit about what you’re accustomed to as well!


I like my backwards rolled joints with crutches. Doesn’t hurt the taste none but to each their own, solid roll job either way. Crutch is really just there to keep my lips clean


I never liked them back in the day…but them damn resin kisses and joints getting clogged at the end was getting old! Lol

EDIT: Now I must go roll one up….


It’s that time of the evening :laughing:

the dirty lips are the worst part of no crutch for sure.

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Inside out rollers unite! Looking real nice there.


I do it mostly because I don’t know anyone else who can irl😅. With Raws or elements I don’t notice any difference in the burn or taste either way but it’s nice to feel special


Not the first time I’ve seen the inside out paper technique but the first time I feel motivated to give it a try.

It’s funny to see so many comments that are pro crutch cause they’re a foreign concept to me. I bought some raw cones once or twice in the last few years and those are the only joints I’ve ever smoked with crutches (I don’t buy pre rolls). Back in the day in my area they just didn’t exist at all, literally never passed a joint with one and if it happened it would stick out as a rarity. I know they’re not new but in my experience they might as well have been invented in this past decade.


Same here…what the hell is a crutch? Filter?


Yeah just a different name for it.


It’s not a filter its a roach : )

I fancy trying them carbon filter tips @Papalag uses , I have a glass roor carbon filter on my bong and it’s great : )


Lol shit I’d settle for a new bowl piece that isn’t broken :rofl:. Have to load my bong with whole nugs so it doesn’t pull through.


Grab some of those glass filters. I have a bowl I love that hits like a champ but the hole is pretty big and without a glass filter I’d get ash mouth at the end of bowls. The filters work great though.


I started rolling with non sticky OCB papers from a tiny county store, as the Bugler Tobacco Pouch came with their papers, but OCB’s were way thinner. But no sticky trap and for $.02 a pack. They did hold together…for the most part.
Hell I got $.02 for returning a soda bottle, back then. And bitches would throw them out the windows of their cars, like they were flicking cigarettes’ for fuck sake. They were everywhere.

Now 53 years later, I use Top single leaf, to roll with.
I found one paper maker, a cannabis fiber paper, French, I think, I used for 20 years but I can not find them anymore.
Most papers today, for me, I do not care for. I do keep trying different ones, but Tops are fine by me.
The only thing I do differently, is to over fill the fold, and twist it out during the roll.
I hate grinders also, I got a few, but for me a pair of scissors works perfect.
I also like to blend what is in my roll, with a 2 different strains, sometimes 3 if they compliment each other, as I roll for the night.
I also tend to leave a bit more moisture in my buds, than many do. I pull my evening buds out a jar, in the afternoon for evening consumption to be perfect to roll and burn.
If I bone dry my bud, it goes to the edibles use jars.
We all have our ways, mine are just more cavemanish.


When you register on there web site they give you 10 % off

I change them every 2 days but mostly should do once a day
It dose make a big difference No Loss in flavor Or in high


Hmm, probably cause the roots are foreign anyway? :crazy_face:

I’ve seen guys make “filters” out of a torn off piece of a cigarette pack. Not so much a filter as it was an “end”. But when I went to Utila the first time and met nothing but Europeans, every single one of them rolled with a filter of sorts, some even carried a little packet of em with them. Many also threw tobacco in their spliffs, and thought I was wasteful with just a weed joint (lets be real, this was nearly 4 ounces of seeds / stems / shake / super compressed brick I paid $50 for, there’s nothing wasteful about that).

None of my friends here had fancy real filters, just torn off cardboard from a cig pack (that lip thats tucked under the front of a pack top is perfect).


At least where I’m at younger folks tend to roll with crutches/filters/whatever you want to call them and the old heads roll w/ out. I think there’s definitely some work that has to go into forming the mouthpiece right if you don’t have a crutch but, done well it minimizes any dirtiness on the draw and it really does make a big difference in taste both from it burning slower and because the cardboard/whatever you use as a crutch, doesn’t heat up and vaporize as you get down to the end of the J.

Is that what it is? That it actually is foreign? Tip, crutch, filter, homemade or legit pack is all new to me.