Happy B-Day Dimebag

Damn man I was at those same ozzfests as you, could have been standing right next ya :grinning::grinning:… that Manson show at that ozzfest was off the charts one of the best shows I seen… that is crazy brings back alot of memories,

Seen some good shows at the house of blues also, 3 inches of blood , was a good show there

Saw six feet under in Tampa that show kicked ass also

But the ultimate was the Slayer shows I went to​:love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ya, I saw Manson in 1996 Portland, OR fuckin Hole opened for Manson “Coutney loves band” this is 2 years after Kurt’s death. They didn’t get through the second song and she was booed off the stage. Portland is her hometown. I saw Slayer Ozzfest 1999 Gorge amphitheater on the cliff of the Columbia Gorge, Original Black Sabbath, Rob Zombie, Godsmack, Slayer, Primus and Deftones, Slip Knot was on the small second stage. Epic show.
I have never seen Pantera live. The timing was always off and then Dime :frowning: such is life :peace_symbol:

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Oh I did manage to catch Pantera at an ozzfest in Tampa and yea. It was spectacular, slipknot was also pretty good at same ozzfest


I missed that show “life shit” I saw the very first Ozzfest 1996 4 bands Ozzy, Danzig, Sepultura, Biohazard :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal:

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hello yea some BIOHAZARD, AND Sepultora…

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Ya I was hooked on Ozzfests after that first one in 96 and they just got better and BETTER :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal:

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12/08/04. It has been 17 years. Metal for the Eternities. I am 3 years older than he was when he was stolen from the world. That same night as Dime played his final note and to exit from this existence my first born was opening her eyes
and breathing her first breathe of open air. 17 years. Blink and a lifetime is passed by. In this river there ain’t no turning back.


amen ^^^^^^

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You got that right,

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• Ozzfest • 1998 •

Dave Grohl recalls how Dimebag shaped the Foo Fighters philosophy about backstage hospitality:

"…There was an Ozzfest in England in 1998, and Korn canceled. So we got the call. It was Slayer, Pantera and Black Sabbath. We had to go on after Pantera. I was so terrified: ‘There’s gonna be a riot. I’m gonna get drawn and quartered. No one’s going to like our band.’

But we played, and I looked to the side. The guys from Pantera are watching us and singing the lyrics to our songs. Afterwards we made friends with Pantera. I was nervous and scared; I didn’t think I fit in. But they were so open to us. That backstage hospitality we try to have – it all came from Pantera. Dimebag Darrell was the nicest f–king guy in the world. He could walk in and do a shot of Crown Royal with Justin Bieber, with Rick Nielsen, with James Brown – he was everybody’s best friend. And you could feel that energy when he was playing.

After that day, I was like, ‘From now on, everybody’s allowed in this room. I don’t care if it’s Britney Spears.’ I became the backstage best friend. Whenever I showed up at a festival, the first thing I’d do is grab a bottle of whiskey and go knocking on doors to see who the funniest people are. You’d be surprised who the real f–king nutcases are…"


Thats a really cool story

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You know it’s funny how death can make some really deep thoughts come out. I look at that picture, that really only circulates the way it does because of Dime’s death. I see Dave and I think about Kurt’s death and how if Kurt had not died in 94. We wouldn’t be experiencing Foo Fighter’s magic. This Foo song makes me think of Dime and Kurt. :peace_symbol:

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Went bye Kurt’s old house in Aberdeen a few months ago, should have got pic but wasn’t thinking

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Killer man that’s awesome it would probably give me goose bumps and I would forget to take a pic too lol

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R.I.P Vincent Paul Abbott


I was reading comments on a youtube video from Pantera. One Guy said Dimebag stopped and jump started his car on the side of the road. He said he flipped out when he realized who it was that was helping him. Many first hand accounts of Dime’s generosity in the comments for sure. Amazing family. Another guy said Dime bought a guitar and amp for the mans son when he was at a clinic and when the kid returned in a few years dimebag got him another Amp. Abbot family got totally robbed by the powers that be in my opinion The numbers the coincidences the tale of it all spell conspiracy to me. I do not believe the official story. It’s crazy how the lyrics to Damageplan almost foretell the death of Dimebag. Almost like the singer knew what was going to happen to Dimebag. I lved in Coumbus at that time. It was a Dark day for us that day


Yes, most people don’t know how gracious of a human being Dime was. Appreciate your post @SkunkHunt101 :peace_symbol: