Hardest part of growing

Learning to water properly.

Patience & @ReikoX :tm: brand LITFA (the other copycats are just filler)



Preparation is the hardest part of growing for me. Deciding what to bloom, getting the spoil tested and amending the soil. After that, the hardest part is waiting.


To me the hardest part of growing is definitely the seed sprouting and seedling stage. :seedling:
The sprouts are so fragile, and just handling them makes me nervous af. Not to mention, any mishaps on feeding, oh my.
Once I’m actively in veg mode, I’m comfortable.


I’ve ran gifted rooted clones 2x start to harvest and killed 1 batch of gifted rooted clones a s couple weeks in.

From seeds I am half way through flower on my first seed run.

For me the most difficult labour part was the transplant. Not sure why, maybe the closed quarters I did it in laundry room. But it always takes much longer l I was going from 1.6gal to 7gal fabric pots LOL. SO I either ran out of time , or ran out of soil LOL.
Also hard on the back

I always succeeded with transplant luckily that was always what saved my plants.

So - Running into root bound issues had been my biggest struggle.

Right now my problem is running seedlings…it seems like last time I ran them , they we’re busting out of they’re pots at Ann alarming speeds. This time i have 4 variety’s and they are all taking they’re time.

When I first started mixing my first batch of nutes I felt like i was back in grade 11 chemistry and I was never going to be able to Pull it off…3-4 batches later it didn’t phase me any more !


Going on 2 years now. 1 litre pots


For me, the hardest part of growing, is when I stopped growing for 6 years. I’ll never let that happen again :joy:


The hardest part is waiting to chop when you’re stash is low


The parts between putting a seed in a wet paper towel and chop have been trouble for me once or twice.

I hate waiting for a plant that looks ready to chop to develop ambers. Are you trolling me plant?!


That’s how it is for me rn getting trolled amber one place clear on another cloudy over here they r deff confused as well as me

Only time I ever had problem with germinating is when I made my own soil everything would pop but two days later in my soil they would fry the taproot

I went on a seed popping rampage pretty stupid of me lost a lot of good seeds due to negligence of deciphering probable cause …I thought it was the new water …or over watering it was the soil with a ph of 7.5 :sweat_smile:

Older plants could handle it from transplant depending on the strain it was a odd decided to use the rest I have in combination with some compost


Waiting, and those damn pesky pests haha

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Hardest part to me is which strain to grow…

Homemade Strains Thread


Waiting to be legal.


popping seeds is hard. 3 months commitment and fear of failure. all start from popping some seeds


Germination/seedling phase. Cloning certain cultivars can be difficult.