Has anyone heard if roots can absorb CO2 ? Or ultrasound to promote root growth?

I grow outdoor and thought of running a hose from a fermentation bucket under a couple plants to see if beneficial. Thought being to aerate the soil and uptake of the CO2 with less wastage as it being heavier than air would stick around longer without the wind blowing it away and giving the option of accelerated growth of Co2 to outdoor growers. Lots to consider there like the effects it would have on living soil mediums Also want to try an ultrasound for the roots with the thought that the moving soil would allow the roots to increase growth… I also want to try a stinging nettle and worm casting tea that I speed up extraction with ultrasound. Then after straining ultrasound again to reduce particle size into the nano range. then use it as foliar feed With the thought that the reduced particles would have an easier time penetrating the cell walls. Have to try it with and without a surfactant. Oh by the way stinging nettles are a very close relative to cannabis. It also has male and female characteristics. Not sure if it will help in pest resistance or not since it will be a soak time of a couple hours instead of weeks As I found making tinctures using my ultrasound. Also have tried it on the mash before distilling in alcohol production. When I introduced the yeast my bubbler could not keep up and I had maximized it’s flow with my knife and still had to duct tape the lid because it kept blowing it off. The sides and top bulged so badly I expected it might explode. Will try to load a video I took of the lid taped, the top and sides bulging and the bubbler banging quicker than I have ever seen. Never would have discovered this hack if the grain I was using for shrooms hadn’t sprouted on me.


Sorry could only load a pic… Showed the video to where I pick up brew supplies (this being only my third brew) and was told they had never seen a brew bucket bulge with a bubbler in it, Or a bubbler reach the speeds this one did… I did try it on a sugar wash later but that brew showed just normal results. I guess dissolved sugar is dissolved sugar.

Roots can absorb co2, at what rate you ask, very little a day(a night?) :slightly_smiling_face:

I remember a product using morning sprays and intermittent sounds played throughout the day, seemed to work fairly well.

Also read that certain sounds can affect specific minerals uptake and boost cell division.

Personally I think co2 outdoors is a constant, where supplementing it could be beneficial but is it worth the efforts…? If you are going for a world record off one plant it can be a cool experiment. Otherwise I’d plant a few extra plants hehe

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Not an expert but from what I recall a fermentation doesn’t produce any CO2 of consequence for growing.

Being heavier than air and released under the plant without the influence of wind and sun should increase its availability. Add to that the yeast Has more than doubled its speed of fermentation (This in a billion dollar industry is the biggest advance in the process in the last two thousand years. Am I the only one that see’s this?) So the only added expense would be the tubing which I already have, to see if it might increase plant growth. This could be of benefit in space exploration as the Co2 levels need reduction in a closed loop manned system… two pieces of tubing to test a theory. Definitely worth the cost to me.


I have 10 packs of ec1118 on hand in case the world ends.

Yes and some kind of CO2 meter.

Definitely intrigued by this, I’ve been experimenting with co2 for several years , absolutely love the ingenuity my friend .

Could you explain this a little more in depth please. This is what I was able to gather from your post: by running an ultrasound over mash you were able to increase fermentation rate.
…so you have added yeast to your mash then you ultrasound it and you get improved fermentation.
–How long do you run the ultrasound?


I found this. I know with music plants grow better. But some like different types. There have been studies with cannabis plants. Music for your pot

Plants don’t absorb CO2 well through roots. They absorb CO2 through their leaf stomata.

At best, you’re gonna lower the root zone pH with carbonic acid…which will then raise as it off gasses. Probably not the best to have pH swinging around a full point every other day.

I don’t see any potential benefit to be honest.

I had some rye grain I was using as a mushroom substrate. It sprouted so I decided to make some tincture alcohol out of it. . So I dried and ground it up. Using three cup grain and three cups distilled water in my ultrasound I kept it on for an hour then strained and filtered the liquid and put just the liquid back in my ultrasound for another hour. Added this to some dissolved in hot water sugar. When cooled enough I added my high alcohol yeast. The lid popped off in just a minute so I put it back on. A very tight fitting lid that I use a mallet to get seated. A couple minutes later it came off again , I replaced the bubbler with a second one I had. Lid popped off again so I increased airflow to its maximum in the bubbler with my knife. Lid popped again so I taped with heavy duty duct tape. This held it together even though the container bulged with the pressure of the fermentation. I thought decreasing particle size would make it easier for the yeast to consume. It worked better than I could have expected. I took as video of the bulging brewer and took it to where I had bought everything I used for brewing. Showed it to a couple of the owners and the told me that they had never seen any brew that bulged one of their buckets with a bubbler in it, or a bubbler going at that speed. It was only my third brew. The first only a sugar wash. I had no experience if it had been done before till then. Tried just a sugar wash through my ultrasound but saw no real difference. I have sought other brewers to try this themselves. Hard people to find, messaged a couple people working with yeast but no replies there either so far. I will try to post pics. or vid here if I can.

You can see the container differences pretty easily.