Ultrasound to help you Grow and increase your products bioavailability.

New to this site but into pot since the eight dollar lid. I have been experimenting with ultrasound, nanoparticles, colloidal silver and liposomes. While preparing soil for a mushroom grow, I left some grain in water too long. It Sprouted so I figured to brew some alcohol for tinctures I made a mash. Ran it through my ultrasound to extract it quicker, Strained off the grain then put it through my ultrasound again. My thoughts were to reduce the size of the yeast’s food for easier consumption. Just a grain, sugar and high yield yeast brew. When I introduced the yeast filled the bubbler and snapped the lid of the bucket down my bubbler was banging rapid fire so I knew the yeast loved it. A minute later it stopped. The lid was not sealed. I resealed it and it again popped the seal right away. A seal that took a mallet to get on. I tried a new bubbler, no change. So I increased airflow to max on a bubbler with a knife. Still no go. I had to duct tape the lid withHigh strength duct tape. The sides top and bottom swelled up and really figured it to blow up from the pressure. The bubbler sounding like a crazed woodpecker. This lasted three days. Took a short video of it… Tried showing a couple brewers, They were not interested in new ideas. I want to to do this to my worm casting tea for foliar and soil application. It should increase leaf absorption while decreasing the plants energy output to break it down. Win Win. For soils Lacking microbial life easier uptake. And if the yeast was any indication the microbes are gonna love it. Wish I had a hydro setup to try it on. Anybody near portland oregon? I have used it on my home extracts for edibles and experienced 20 to 30 minute onset instead of the usual hour. Useful in topicals also. I tried it with my 60 ppm colloidal silver and my particle count decreased Below its detectable range? So I shined my laser through it and took a phone pic. When I expanded the pic it showed a solid looking pink beam with none of the white light glitter of the bigger particles I usually see. Read that particles below 10 nanometers might cause problems so take caution and do any of this at your own risk. Made a poor mans patent. Worthless I know. Its just I hate to see this monetized by big business. Haate what they are doing to the friendliest of plants. Diversity stripped and regimented in rows, and plastic containers, Damn I hate those. Anybody with indoor if you give this a try I would love to hear results Ultrasounds I used are 40 khz 60watts parts cleaners… Buy any of the cheaper units and you will need to increase their air flow as they will overheat and break down. Planned obsolescence. I hate typing so probably will not. answer many questions Anything in depth send me a number to call in pm. If in Pacific NW we can sample wares and exchange notes. Love the site so far. Don’t know if anyone has mentioned cannabinoids being produced by modified yeast. Sent a canadian company doing this some info, so far no reply. Always remember weed will get you thru times of no money better than money will get you through times of no weed


Interesting info @oldhippy, I like the last sentence, and welcome to OG.
I think you’ll get used to typing here.

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im not very knoledgable in Groing. But one thing, its always good to have a natural Approach, also in other Things, in Music, in Science…

Means instead of buying Compost in a Store, probably better do it yourselve. To learn ho many nutrients there are , and its not just NPK, and i can create that by composting LEaves per example… Leaves have almost any Nutrient there is in them… And they are free in Sutumn…

Also things like not repotting your Plants, can have advantages. I heard they get eaten less by snails that way…

Not over-technicalize things is what i do…

Im actually not into such things. im seedpreserver. often just trow Seeds in the best Soil i can find and voila.

You try to boost The Plants, like living Soil, or how is this called.
I liked this guys method. but involves alot bying stuff… He literally gives the Plants EVERYTHING, lol

But i dont know, im just coming up on a Cambodain Spacecake, so …

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I gave my weed a CAT scan once but the results were inconclusive.


I gave my cat a WEED scan but the results were negative.

The cat was not currently holding.

Also no pockets to store it.


I think what you’re looking for is a mule.

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Right on man, long live the Fabulous Furry Freak bros.

Interesting work you have going. I used to home brew beer and I’m about to start moving towards learning and using Korean Natural Farming techniques. It utilizes fermented fruit juices and fermented plant juices.

Good luck with the work, and when you can, show us some of your work. We love bud porn. peace


GMan You should try the ultrasound before adding yeast. I am sure you will be incredibly impressesd. and since you asked a couple of my pics.now that I see how to upload


Well you got my tinkering fool side of me awaken. And I do remember $8.00 or 4 finger lids from 1970 myself. Just do not have much of a science type mind, but I love me a good, what would this do or how does this work type of project.
Very interesting read, Thanks for the noodle food.

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What exactly do you recommend doing with the ultrasound parts cleaner + hydro? I have a hydro setup and could get this device but don’t know how you suggest applying it? Interesting stuff