Healthy Smoke

You can just roll a cigarette filter into you joint, works fine Top 100 count filter tips


I believe @mota uses one in his bong as well?


I use the Moose Labs filters. Have the bong and joint setup. They do work, the smoke is much smoother, and you can see all the junk that builds up on them. I’m sure it cuts some of the flavor too, because nothing is free, but it doesn’t kill it completely. Definitely reduces shitty smokers breath, which is a good thing too! I have tried the “natural” ones made from corn, and the carbon ones. The carbon ones work better, the natural ones are only “ok”. I use mine like 99% of the time, rare exception being if I’m out and smoking a bone, and just want to be able to chuck the roach and not have anything on me. They seem pricy, but I liked them enough to buy a box of bong and joint filters, buying by the box is cheaper.


I love them

Best thing ever

Smooth smoke

I don’t believe it effects anything other then removing the tags and crap

I use both set up and I change them every 2 days

They may be a little pricey but the give you some good discounts if you’re a steady customer



True they are pricey like 10 cents a filter but you cannot buy health so anything that makes us last longer, the better.


I smoke a bong exclusively. I never liked the taste of paper, even “ashless” paper, so even when I was young if I was smoking solo it was more commonly a pipe but sometimes a bong, rarely a joint. I only smoked joints with others. I like the ritual of passing the joint and the fellowship that that simple act implies. But my lungs are not what they used to be, so these days it is only a bong for me. FWIW, I don’t find vaporizers provide the full weed experience, and I want it all.

Regarding filters, I used Moose Labs filters for a little more than a year. IMO, they are definitely a good thing. As with lots of products that require replacement parts, the holder is inexpensive. The replacement filters, while inexpensive individually, over time get expensive. I was using at least one a day, some days two.

I agree with @potpotpot that the activated charcoal filters work better than the corn based filters. The corn based filters are, however, fully recyclable. They’re also more expensive as well as not filtering as well as the charcoal. A real lose/lose! lol (1)

In a thread of mine about bong filters in particular, @ifish suggested a RooR filter that uses activated charcoal.This is the thread -

It’s pretty short and while there are some posts that don’t address the issue of filters, many do. I personally don’t think I have anything to add to that discussion other than I had to order my RooR filter from Germany and, mostly due to shipping, it wasn’t inexpensive. The shipping for the glass filter body and a small bag of activated charcoal cost more than the two items combined. On the other hand, the glass filter body itself should be a one time purchase (I’m pretty careful with my glass), and I can buy the activated charcoal locally or at least in the US. I had no problems getting the order. RooR shipped very timely. My only issue was they sent me some shipping info in German, which I don’t read. I try to be an easy going person, so I just gave it a few days and USPS delivered it just as I had hoped.

As for one or the other, for me there is simply no comparison. Again, the Moose Labs filter absolutely does make a difference, but not nearly as much as the RooR. The RooR also helps your bong and the water remain cleaner longer. Significantly cleaner. The Moose Labs filter holder sits directly in the suck hole. Your mouth doesn’t touch glass, it touches the holder. For me, that wasn’t a problem. I had a couple of them for guests to use. The RooR, on the other hand, resides between the bowl and the down-stem, so “dirty”/unfiltered smoke never hits the water or really any part of your glass. It doesn’t eliminate the need for cleaning, but it substantially reduces the need. If you change your bong’s water every day, you will be astounded at how much better your weed tastes!

I never hit either of my bongs without it. If I was still dabbing I’d be using it every freakin’ hit too.

As @Papalag mentioned, you get a discount if you buy in relative bulk. I think it’s 10%, at least that’s what it was when I had a subscription. And they were never late with a delivery. IMO, a very dependable company!

For me the bottom line is that while it’s true that initially the RooR was the more expensive of the two, I believe that in the short time I have had it, it has paid for itself already.


You don’t need to waste money on a filter to see what kind of junk builds up in a bong :rofl:

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Thank you for your input, very nice.
It is an option to consider, 1st get a bong, then as I am in europe I will check that roar carbon stuff.

How long last the charcoal?

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I load the little filter orb about every other week. I load it about half full. I usually hit the bong 6-8 times a day. I tend to take large hits, often laced with dry sift.

I’ve found when the charcoal is spent, it totally blocks the smoke. You ain’t getting a hit until you’ve changed charcoal, which takes me maybe 10-15 minutes.

Note it’s a (perhaps) weird name, “RooR,” rather than “roar.”

FWIW, if I was buying my first bong, I’d likely go for inexpensive Chinese glass. It’s everywhere. Thing is, it tends to be cheap as well as inexpensive, but for a first bong you’ll get to know if you like smoking with a bong without spending a god awful amount of money.

Good luck and, of course, I as well as most others here are happy to answer questions as best we can! :slight_smile:


Just on spot, not roar, roor. lol My mistake.

But coming to my decision, I prefer to spend less like some crappy chinese stuff and like you said they are everywhere.

And get a roor charcol filter bowl to slip in it.

Because I’m getting near 40s and need to save my lungs keeping the spirit high.

If I try and like I might keep the chinese one as long as it lasts, even if I like I’m not confortable spending more just for a thicker piece of glass.

I have been looking for glass because it is mineral based, clean and cold. But after I realize that the water inside cools down the smoke and trapp some contaminants, makes more sense why using plastic bottles or silicon bongs, it’s just a container.

Even I recognize the good things of a non glass bong, that is my choice. It is a bong that will go with my raw ash tray crystal clear, and looks much better if displayed.

Some of those colorfull bongs look like straight from a 420 alien ship, weird as hell.

Thank you for your time and advices.


Hot damn, the RooR filter is nifty. Gotta hunt me one of them down! Thanks for posting about that! :+1:


Damm, I tought I was getting too strong, the joints I smoke are kind of neutral, so with a new bong, 24cm bong, one hit and here I am, coffing for 5 minutes, red eyes, the hole package.

1h later…
That hit was critical. But I think the smoke is coming a little harsh, plenty of flavour but harsh, maybe the hit was too long?

How do you clean your bong net?


Bong net? Do you mean a screen at the bottom of the bowl?

Yes, and maybe what solvent do you use to clean the bong stem.

This cheap one has the bowl and stem together.

So I hitted like 5 times my bong and stem and bowl are brown, the net gets some carbon deposits and gets nasty to re use.

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I understand you are an advanced smoker, with much experience and it is a honor to read your advices.
I know I am getting the result of a lifetime of experiments and improvements from you and even far away, on another continent, this is growing and wouldn’t want to miss this opportunity to thank you for all your knowledge and presence.

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Well, while watching a video about joint factory in usa, I was wondering what do they use to replace tabacco, I would like to cut on it bu keep the weed.

Any suggestions and if so anyone knows how to grow it?

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In my limited experience with pre-rolled joints, it’s all weed. No tobacco. I don’t believe I know anyone who mixes tobacco with weed here. I’m sure some people must, I just don’t know any of them.

Maybe some other North Americans can provide some additional input.

Personally, I hate tobacco.

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That is why I want to find a substitute, a joint of only weed is still too much for me. I find it quite agressive on throat and lungs and I would like to keep the weed but loose the nicotine and other bad stuff, I might dry some cannabis sugar leaves and shred them to mix with the buds anyone on this?

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smoke it in a bowl and don’t load so much of it. i wouldn’t want to mix it with anything, but that’s just me.

The charcoal filters stuff is interesting. I went about my health a different way. I replaced my heat source from the common lighters to an herb iron. What a HUGE difference in many ways, including cleaner glass. I didn’t realize how dirty my glass got from the lighters until I removed them from the equation. World of difference. I have COPD and used to smoke tobacco, 3-5 packs a day for 20 years. Joints are how I stopped that habit. 6 months in and my lungs aren’t getting better. That’s when I purchased my first Herb Iron. June next year will be 10 years no tobacco, 5 years no combustion. Granted I don’t smoke anymore yet I still use the Herb Iron, with the glass vape attachment. Vapor bonging is my daily driver, my fav. I figured I’d share my experience. Thanks to the Herb Iron I didn’t feel the need to use the charcoal filters. I may just for the experience. Thanks for the post(s).