Hello, new guy to the forum

Just browsing around for a new place to call home, i ve got a few ig friends who grow and we’ve been seeking a forum to hang at and do our group chats on ao we dont keep pinging our other group members phones while they sleep(different countries and time zones) thanks for stopping in and ill probably see ya all around


Welcome @Bbcchance. Lots of us are new here, I found weed forums right around the time OG was shut down so after years of stories I’m glad we have this place now!

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Me too man, its nice to have a place where we can break rule #1 in relative privacy with others who understand why we do it

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Absolutely! It’s a place to meet like minded people and share the wealth of knowledge that surrounds this industry. Also while some of us live in places that have harsh penalties and may choose not to grow can live vicariously through the community while learning along the way so that when the day comes they won’t be locked up for planting a seed they will have the knowledge and resources here and many forums but hopefully especially here because this place was first and is a part of history! :smile_cat:

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Welcome, glad you stopped in!

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Super glad to see you and other people on this site. It was a magical place before it was shut down. Beyond happy to see OG back at it again!


welcome! OG is a great place to chill!!

Welcome to OG, make yourself comfy… :seedling: