Help identifying this problem

I just had thrips, combination of captain jacks, bti and cannacontrol from mammoth p wiped them from my grow.

I have a bottle of the captain jacks concentrate on hand just in case…

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The answer is yes, the did come back, and hard. The thrips seemed to be eradicated after 3 weeks of spraying, and then came back super hard after about 3 more weeks of not spraying. I have taken clones from another mother of the same copy, from another building.

These mothers were sitting next to a batch of clones of a different variety that I wanted to keep for mothering, so they will have to be in quarantine and undergo the protocol 0. I have scrapped these big infested mothers entirely, and no longer wish to deal with them. They went into trash bags, and the batch of clones sitting next to them will go underwater for half an hour every week and I will go over them with my fingers smashing everything. I reckon I will even take clones from them, and kill the originals and protocol 0 them, if this doesn’t rid me of these pests…


wow! hey Thanks for the report. If I were facing those turds…yes protocol 0 will definitely finish their ass off, but also some BTK which is a biological poison can kill them in one go.


Captain jacks or burn down the grow space these are the 2 ways to get rid of those little PITA’s
Good luck

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Absolutely, thank you too. I am going to scour the local markets here for some BTK and Captain Jack’s. In the mean time, I am drowning the little clones I wanted to keep in water. Hey I wondered about that… Don’t you think when you drown them in water that the little insects might float to the top of the water and cling on to the plants again when you pull them out of the water?

You can finally shower them … beer3|nullxnull

I doubt drowning kills the eggs. They’ll be back.

Plenty of pesticides eliminate thrips overnight, including the ones at the hardware store. Sevin, Bayer Tree and Shrub, etc. Whatever you were doing wasn’t effective, time to try something else. Those leaves almost look like you may have mites as well. Sometimes it’s two things. Look very very closely.

The only way to know for sure is to try to it bud.

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I’m not saying it absolutely won’t work.

But there’s a very good chance it won’t work.

I’d have to actually have thrips to even try. And what, intentionally infest my garden, then toss out everything by stripping it down to nubs so I can run a drowning experiment? No thanks.

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You know what to try if you do get them.

Oh no…if I get them I got what I need on a shelf in the garage, that I know will kill them overnight. And I get to keep all my plants.

But by all means, if you wanna gamble with your plants on this drowning method, be my guest.

bro! Max Planck is spinning in his grave!!! He’s gonna come back as a zombie and wrestle with vernal.

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I hold the plants underwater with a weight. I rinse them off with a cold water vegetable sprayer on the kitchen tap. I don’t even let the roots float to the surface.


You should be able to see the photos of protocol 0 I performed on the harlequin plant.
lol pay no attention to gpaw’s joke.