Found thrip damage on a few leaves

Already sprayed down all plants with mammoth P canncontrol, should I get a bottle of azamax? I’ve heard spraying with h2o2 helps as well. I want to stop them before they spread. I have BTI on hand, should I spray with that too? Oh, all my plants are still seedlings, only 3 levels of leaves max.


Oh, I would prefer a bio alternative to chemical, like a good source for nematodes, predatory mites and pirate bugs, I like to fight nature with nature when I can


I’ve used spinosad with good results. I had to do 2 applications but it got rid of em. Its listed as organic.


How many days apart did you apply it? I can get the Bonide captain jacks dead bug brew at home depot. Its a 32oz spray bottle of spinosad.

My plants are small, I ain’t messing around with thrips.


I second this, but go with Monterey Garden Insect Spray if you can find it. Spinosad in concentrate. Wiped out my thrips this past summer. Fuck a thrip. Positive vibes…



Captain Jacks will work great Arriba|nullxnull, can you post some pics? :sunglasses:


First crunch berry

Second sorbet dreams

I got a few clones back from a friend who is moving and I think I now know where they came from…


I did 2 applications 2 weeks apart.


Purple gorilla glue kush clones, I gave them to him a few months ago. But he’s moving and can’t hold them for a minute, so gave them back to me to hold for a few weeks while he gets settled.

Dumb ass me didn’t quarantine. My own fault.


clones from back right and back left in the pic


At least you are mature enough to take responsibility; I see people constantly blaming the source of their cuts for pests/diseases. Thrips are an easy pest to combat. I always look at pests/diseases that are new to me as just another opportunity to learn anyway. Positive vibes…



I had them once ten years ago and azamaxed the hell out of my area and got rid of them, but that aza makes your plants all crinkly and brittle… I don’t want to use it unless I have to.


Fortunately you’re in an early invasion stage, hit them hard … Arriba|nullxnull


Every 4 days for 4 treatments got rid of my mites and thrips using Safer’s End all soap spray with 10ml/L canola oil added. 500ml bottle of concentrate makes 10L of mix for the price of 1L of the pre-mixed stuff. Just need an old spray bottle to spray it with.

You should just mix up a bucket of the stuff and dunk them in. Best coverage ever. I have a few thrips myself but hunt them down so just a few. Should spray tho I guess especially as I’m starting new plants.



Ive seen a few ppl say that captain jacks doesnt have enough spinosad in it so it doesnt work well.

Get azamax or spinosad concentrate and theyll be gone in a couple sprays a wk apart.
Then spray monthly as a preventative


I used the Montgomery spinosad, Follow the directions based on the pest. I believe it was 2-3 sprays within a week or 10 days for thrips, but follow directions and it works!

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Do the spinosad treatments make your leaves all crispy and weird like the azomax?

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I dont remember noticing any change honestly.

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I’ve only sprayed azamax once. I think that was the stuff that made my syringes for nutes bind up. Certain way to mix it I believe.

One of the plants has these two cuts, I think it may have been me unintentionally … can you tell me if it looks like an animal or if it was me?

                            Thanks all
                          And good grows