Help identifying this problem

I was thinking this might be damage from nematodes?
There are silver patches on the leaves and very small black dots all over. She does not want to clone(3 of 20 are rooting after several tries), but other mothers are rooting just fine, even in the same tank.
I tried to get the best close-up pics I could take. What do I do about this?P1010006 P1010007 P1010017 P1010005


looks like spider mites


Look UNDER the leaf (bottom). @dequilo, I agree, looks like a “mite invasion”, hoping it’s not. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray:'s :heart_eyes:


Nematodes, no… As they tend to stick to the soil to do their job and mostly beneficial short of the root munchers…

Sprider mites (the damned bug borg) is a possibility but check your undersides and main stalk for anything that looks like frass or small bugs…


I’m going to throw thrips into the equation never had them before IIRCC kinda looks like their handiwork.


Thrips or mites. Look under the leaves for mites.

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I’m going for thrips too due to the shape of the damage, better than mites … :sweat_smile:



I think you are right after looking at the picture you posted :slight_smile:

I have mites on my short listed of hated bugs


The OP speaks also about black dots, that’s the poo those little bastards leave back, I had them once, you cannot see anything left by mites … :sunglasses:


Thank you very much to all who have responded to me in this thread I am now quite sure I have a thrips infestation, and I will spray them to kill them.
Could this be why she has such a hard time rooting, and the stems rot before rooting?

Maybe it was the contrary and that stem root attired them, weak and unhealthy plants are always prone to have pests … :sunglasses:

I agree with @George those are thrips

This is the best I’ve found that works , spray top and underside of leaves 2 x ‘s a day they look heavily infected

Good luck




I’ll toss in a “thrip” call as well. The only thing you have to worry about, is the fact there are almost too many ways to extinct them.
In living soil I sprayed them with BTK, in hydro I squished them with my fingers, on clones coming in, I drown them.


Thrips, unfortunately. You would just need to find out which ones.

Bioceres and Botaniguard work pretty well. They both contain the entomopathogenic fungus Beauvaria bassiana. You need to give them a few weeks to get going.

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Thrips for sure.

I’ve recently had really good results with Method - 1 pps

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Thank you very much for all the responses here. You guys are really great! I’ll now know what to do in the future if I see this again.

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I just wanted to show what happened with this here…

I got a bottle of a product called Solabiol that is meant to kill thrips and a few other things it lists on the package, and I followed the instructions, mixing 10ml per liter of water and spraying once per week. The plants started growing very fast and vigorous, and all new growth looks free from any insect damage. The camera’s auto white balance stinks, and the fluorescent setting looks better, even though it is growing under LED.

Thanks again.


They’re looking much better, glad you finally get rid of them and thanks for letting us know … beer3|nullxnull

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I’m interested in if the thrips come back if Pie stops spraying. Always looking to see if it causes extinction and how many applications it takes.

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