Help me build a soil

I’ll just leave this here @fishdude, if u feel like browsing this is my organic soil build
The Dr earth is a nice “meal mix” of kelp flour, bone meal,fishbone meal,alfalfa meal, feather meal, kelp meal and rock phosphate all packaged together.

Since I’m doing compost teas every two weeks my plants get the other things they need from those feedings but some of the other things to consider throwing in the mix if just building a soil is
Bat guano
Insect frass
Blood meal
Rabbit poop
Ground oyster shell
fireplace ash

And a good watering with molasses diluted 3/4 tablespoon to 2 gallons of water :slight_smile: and maybe some blended aloe leaves too

I’d also have to agree with others, skip the peat moss and substitute for coir

Something to mention cuz no one else has, if u are having fungus gnat issues then you are over watering, they don’t need water every day, my plants get watered maybe every 4-6 days. If they start appearing again cut out water for a couple to few days to let things dry out, those gnats are attracted to stagnant soil that stayed wet to long creating a fungus issue

Good luck and happy growing

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