Help me learn to sow better please, edit: I am germinating in rockwool

It worked out awesome! I did way better this time, and I’ll for sure do better in the future with all this wisdom you have shared!
I did not get the response in time to try using the humidity dome, and slowly hardening them off, but they seem awesome. 3/75 of them look like they won’t make it, but perhaps those seeds just weren’t good. Lightyear was spot on about putting them straight into hydro even as seedlings. I did test the winners in the sorry looking batch I had originally posted, and put them straight on the NFT channels, and they grew much faster and look way healthier than how I usually baby them and feed them by hand in the propagators for a long time until they are bigger. this photo is from a couple ofdays ago, and they look twice the size now.

Look at the little one that came out of the side of the rockwool instead out of the hole I poked in the top! :crazy_face:

I’m pleased with the results, and I think the success is more than just good luck this time around.
Awesome!!! :pie:


Awesome news, my friend !!! Happy Friday !!! Great work Sir !!!

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That is freaking rad. I’m excited for you !!!

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Thank you so much, kind sir. You make me smile :smiley: I wish you an an awesome weekend too!! You and all your friends too, and all the OG guys too! Have a great one!!!

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Congratulations!!! Love it !!!

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