Seeds Germination problems

Man, I don’t know where else to turn. Trust me I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t desperate. The search function is your best friend, and I’ve played it out as well. I have a Vivo sun seed mat, root riot plugs, paper towels (clean yes), clean Ziplock bags, seeds in soil in the dome under a led on the heat mat, seeds in a glass of tap, seeds in a glass on a heat mat (inside an outside of the dome), of course all the methods above w/o a seed mat with no digital temp controller.

I’ve lost a bunch of gear I shouldn’t be losing. the SSDD seeds I have are from the 2018 preservation run. I have a hundred or so decent seeds, some are a bit light, but this is nuts. They are all mostly stored in flip plastics, centrifugal caps. They have all been stored in normal humidity in a well-ventilated area. I’m not gonna deep dive any further. I’m in a slump and I need to pull the trigger on some Bodhi gear and other stuff I need to further/preserve.

Thanks for any tips, help etc. I figured I’d check with some of the smartest growers. Can you germinate seeds that are very old, and have you? TY.


Germination likes very high humidity and a decent temperature. You can also use some natural rooting stimulants like coconut water, fulvic acid, or kelp. But nothing will save un-viable seeds, or just older seeds that haven’t been in cold storage. Good luck!


I popped some older seeds I had recently and germinated them in a little ramekin of water with a few drops of h2o2. Just put them in the corner of the veg tent. Any that hadn’t popped after 3 days got a squirt more bleach and hey presto! I’ll ever go back to putting them directly in media again I don’t think. I like being able to see if they’re doing summat.

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Are you getting any germination at all?

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@JohnnyPotseed has a method using EWC. Heard good things



Heat matts are too hot to sit water onto ime, i need 3 layers of aluminium lined bubble film with a 12w propagator to maintain 23/24c.

I use a controller with my heat matt (22w) to stop it cooking seeds.
There’s a temp probe in my coco it’s only being heated around 1/3 of the time to maintain 23/24c

If you’ve a thermometer take a reading from it?


Yes, I have. I popped a seed from @ReikoX a couple weeks ago. it honestly popped between a few that didn’t. I took a paper towel and moistened it, and left it in the sock drawer.

I figured I’d put some seeds straight in a root plug in a dome and none of the seeds budged. I have extreme anxiety and leads to obsessing over details.

Wut Star_Dog said :arrow_heading_up:
I found heat mats to be problematic. To the point I have an old Variac transformer to control it.



Thank you for the link, sir. I appreciate it. I’m gonna get outa this slump.


You know I thought of that as well. it was mentioned in my searching to beware of overly hot mats. I’m sure there’s a threshold of temperate and humidity. I was always taught LITFA, as much as possible. I also heard a period of cold may make seeds pop as opposed to non-cooled storage. Thanks, GPaw.

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One of these guys will save your ass time and time again.I never clone or pop beans without it.Temp probe is spot on


This is why I post amongst the smartest Cannabis growers. I didn’t think of taking the temperature on all of my growing mediums when on the mat and not on the mat. Thanks bud.


My dumbass just got that mat and didn’t buy the one with the controller. Is that an input and an output controller?

That’s a pretty long time to store them at room temperature. I’d expect some degradation. I had some similarly stored for 6 years and got poor, although a little, germination rates.

I germinate too wet and too cold relative to the conventional wisdom. They don’t seem to mind.

But it’s proved itself as tried and true over the years and if they don’t pop then it’s because the seeds are dead.

I often pop multiples of several strains and once in a while everything will come up except one strain. They are all dead.

Good luck.


I hear those were very tuff to crack

JP’ s ewc method is a good one

I would ditch the heat mat

I normally use old soil for seeds

Place seeds in freezer for a few hours
It actually helps to give them a bit of nitrogen

Scuff the seeds and soak in a mix of hydrogen peroxide and water for no more then 12 hours


Hey Pap, I totally forgot about scuffing this round. I’ll have to grab some EWC when I head out today. I’ll skip the mat and try a variety of seeds. we have power outages here so often that I’m afraid to freeze or put the seeds in the fridge, idk if taking seeds out of the fridge and them becoming unviable. It’s always scared me, but I should’ve been had them in some kinda cold storage. Thanks, bud.


Have you tried putting seeds in a glass of water for 3-4 days? Usually works for me…occasionally might have an issue with some S1 germed that way


I’ve had good luck with getting seeds to germinate by wrapping them in a paper towel that’s moist (wet but not dripping) with about 1/2 hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 distilled water. Put it in a plastic bag then leave it in a dark place at ambient room temp for a day or 2. Only had a few that didn’t tap this way (they were ~15yr old seeds, questionably stored). But I’m still new to growing and haven’t had a successful grow from start to finish yet, so I would take this with a grain of salt :sweat_smile: usually I mess up about the time they’re developing the 1st true leaves.

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Input and out put?If you mean you can enter the temp up and down and it has a realtime temp sensor probe that tells you what ambient temp is with heater applied that you plug your heating mat into then yes.Its a dependent controller that makes your mat the temp you need

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