A Hindu and Some Milk Thats Too Spicy For Oregonians!

So I have been TOTALLY lagging on the whole journal thing, even though I have been trying to grow steadily, and so I am full of apologies for that! :disappointed_relieved:

Here it goes!

I figure I can update the community (I mean the community who reads this, a community of 2! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) on what I have completed since my last journal and what I am running now, which is ALL from the generosity of THIS community (not just 2 peeps but MANY with whom I’m proud to be a member of!)

I’m NEW to growing as I am almost halfway through vegging what I am hoping will be my 4th harvest in about 1 1/2 - 2 years time. I started sprouting seeds right before I joined this forum so thats how long, anyways, I bought 5 feminized Black Widow seeds from Robert Bergman and that was the flash and hook, right there! No, not Bergman or necessarily the Black Widow, though that was a nice one, especially for a new fish like me! Made me look like I had a clue or at least somewhat of one even though I was constantly feeling like I was gonna kill the whole mess of them!

So I got all 5 seeds through to harvest and was even able to get 6 viable clones off of my two favorite. So, it was a good experience and one that I wish I wouldve made one correction to and thats to have kept a mom of it! But I have still not kept a mom, though that IS the plan for my current run! I am running multiple strains to get good moms out of each one and then going from there with trying to do the whole perpetual thing, but thats for another day and I"m skipping ahead too far as I wa sable to run all OG’ers gear the last, my third run. I had started with 3 strains, Marauder from @SamwellBB and then Bodhis gear that I got from a seed run box and those were Dragon Blood Hashplant and Sunshine Daydream. The 4 SSDD I popped either turned out male or I lost so the strain has still not been run to completion for me, but I DID get the DBHP through and was VERY impressed with the bag apeal and the high was TOP NOTCH!

…but…My favorite was BY FAR the Marauder! It was and is my go to smoke and so thanks Samwell at Baked Beanz for this AWESOME strain! I loved it so much that I popped my last 4 seeds and they are poking their heads up as we speak…

Now some pictorial editions of all this babbling…
Heres some of the cut branches of the Marauder, I believe this one looks like the GDP leaner

Heres some shots of Marauder growing

Close ups of Marauder

And Dragon Blood Hashplant

That was the shorter one above and the taller one is below

…and a DBHP tall one close up

And some more shots of DBHP getting its BUD on! Looking back, you can really see the way the buds are going to look as they form, if that made sense! I am Maraudered!!

So the DBHP branch buds…

and closer

Ok, and so onto the current run and what I am trying to have happen. I currently have a lone female Jungle Spice from @lefthandseeds and a Hindu Kush that was donated by @DanzaKuduro, both of which came from seeds in the Winter Box, so a SHOUT OUT and thanks there

the JS was the first one and the bottom picture is the Kush
Heres some shots taken today of these two plants…

Thats the HK and the JS…

These two are CRAZY short for how old they are and I can only assume I jacked them up somehow but look at the crazy cluster fudgcicles going on at the canopy of this Jungle Spice Girl!

I know I have given little info on exactly what I am growing in and all that sorta thing and the reason is because I am always fudging with a component, (I try to make it only ONE at a time) to see what works better where. I am not gonna lie either but sometimes I run what I can afford to or what I can piece together with what I have, thats basiclly the medium there. I am finding that it is easiest for me to get the watering right with a soil base mix of any mild or just quality potting soil, so 1/4 that and 1/4 perlite and 1/4 worm castings (EWC) and 1/4 CocoGro from Botanicare and that is the base mix that I will add greensand and Bio Live, both Down To Earth products but the greensand doesnt hafta be DTE. This grow however, I tried the peat route and had a bale of Pro Mix HP with added myko so instead of the potting soil I used this and I only used the pro mix with some added perlite when I was starting all these off.

I am fertilizing with the GH Flora 3 part series but since the soil in the bigger pots has EWC and Bio Live and gs, I am trying to find a balance with the ferts and its a process but there are some yellow leaves on several of my plants and I try not to “hover” around the plants and try to use a term I heard here and ONLY here and thats LITFA!

Heres some photos to end this part of the thread as my daughter would like some daddy time and I am happy to oblige her since at 4 YO she wants to hang out with her dad, but who knows for how long, right?
Oh and so I almost forgot about the other 3 strains I am growing! I told you about growing Sam’s Marauders again and also @Mongobongo ‘s OH x PAC that came in the winter box along with @Pedro_Bann’'s Herijuana.

this is mother milk growing tails

Group shot above and below

Everybody enjoy your Friday night!


Watching that Mother’s Milk and Heri with interest.


Yeah, me too! They both had 100% germ rate and all have shown vigor, even with me beating on 'em! I can’t wait to see them flower hopefully!


Good to see others growing these out too my herijuana turned out to be a male😒 but the mother’s milk and oh x PAC are both females the oh x PAC is a bushy monster


So nice the Marauder worked out for you.
Good to see one that made it to the end and that you like it !!!
enjoy, Sam


Oh, both phenotypes made it to the end! They are slightly different in their final buds, as far as look and smoke. The super crytally one, that had some purple in it ended up being my fave of the two. The other was super crystally too, but not like its sister, but was FAR MORE skunky or danky smelling! So much so that everyone that knows me says I smell HORRIBLY like a dead skunk! I like it, personally but even the Mrs. who normally likes the smell, has slept in another room till the drying and curing were done! Haha! I STILL love it and am growing it again! The wife rolled her eyes when she found that out!


looks like you found the elusive Road Kill Skunk :fire: in that Marauder ha ha ha


@Sunvalley was saying people are asking for marauder by name in South Africa now.
@SamwellBB I’m expecting to be going out there within two months, just waiting for for clone round of bodhi’s bingo pajama to finish,I lost a few clones so had to veg the four I had left for slightly longer.
I’m halfway through week seven, on seed run they were ready on ecxactly 9 weeks might be closer to eight and half this run definitely stacking up.
It’ll let you know bro


I believe it! Its got me by the coat tails!

I gotsa uodate cuz these GENETICS they like WILD MOUNTAIN WOMAN! SO NICE! So lemme get outa court for a fetching red light ticket on a RIGHT TURN…LIKE PLEASE!! So…i got wild Herijuana growth and wild MOTHERS MILK growth! Pictures to be available soon!!


Hey all, hope everything is goind fantastic in everybody’s worlds! And if not, then hopefully it’ll be your turn next!
An update on the plants. The lone Jungle Spice and the only confirmed female so far, is looking sickly and my only recourse now is to LITFA and hope for the best. I was using Pro Mix HP as a 1/4 part of my base soil mix and its the first time I have used the peat stuff instead of CocoGro, which I normally use. I have noticed that my pH was dippping pretty low, like 5.1 or so on one of my smaller pots but with a slightly higher pH’ed feedings was able to pull that plant back upo. I will check the runoff pH for the JS next time she gets fed, but heres a picture in the meantime

She was getting the light feeding schedule for the General Hydroponics Flora Series Trio until she started the droopy yellow funk, now its pH’ed water only
The Mothers Milk and Herijuana have been continuing to show vigor even after the transplant and I gotta tell you the Jungle Spice spoiled me with showing pre-flowers WAY fast! I wish the other strains would show.

Heres Some Mothers Milk and Herijuana shots

The above and below are BOTH Mothers Milk

Those are starting to show growth again after the up-potting as are the following Herijuana’s that are just now starting to pick back up

Real hearty genetics it seems! Germinated great and are growing good!

Here are the 2 OH x PAC I have left, I am so bummed! I had 3 and the most vigorous of the 3 got murdered by me when I was transplanting! Accidentally tore the root ball in half and the little one wasn’t able to survive the damage! Here are the 2 survivors

And finally I put the 4 Marauder starter plugs in some dixie cups and the like, and here’s 3 of them…

Also, since I have seen others success with it, I decided to grab some Jacks All Purpose and I think I may try it on the Marauders or the OH x PAC’s…


Holy SMOKES Folks! Been a bit since we last saw each other! Totally my fault as I get so “caught up in the moment” that I lose track of the wons that mean the whirled! Ehem! But SERIOUSLY, LOTS has happened and NOT happened the way I planned or justjust some PLANTLIFE, you know?

Why say it when a picture is worth a 1000 words?

That above is @Mongobongo 's Oregon Huckleberry x PAC and my favorite plant so far, though its over 12 weeks in flower and Im not knowing how I still have some clear trichomes and not too many amber ones?

Above is a closer shot of the OH x PAC and its nice coloring! Smells like raw cake batter or maybe rotten fruit/pineapple is what my girl says! Whichever, its DELIGHTFUL!

Above is a group shot of the 4 x 4 x 6 foot flowering tent and got Herijuana front right and back left is Marauder, can’t really see it. Got those from the AWESOME peeps on this site! @SamwellBB did the Marauder and not sure who was the Herijuana, though I know @Pedro_Bann was running it at one point…? Anyways, the other two plants are Mothers Milk, (another Winter Box, I think, treat) AND CHECK OUT BELOW AND THE CUT STALK OF ONE OF THE MOTHERS MILKS…

Another shot of the milky looking dripping from the MM stalk…

Got all the plants in the group shot above a few pix, harvested and some of it in glass jars already and the rest on the dry rack still. Then, I got the OH x PAC and the better of the 2 female Marauders I had from the 4 seeds I had left going still. Had the 600 watt HPS going for the first time, wanted to see the difference, besides heat, between them and the LEDs Ive been using so far. So far…meh? But I will say its MUCH hotter!

Drying out…

I hope everyone’s happy, healthy and safe!


Looking good man.

That’s crazy haha @ShuswapSmoke has one that’s almost done at week 8.

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Thats CRAZY! Its VERY possible that Im still learning what constitutes cloudy and whats clear. It almost seems like there are various degrees of cloudiness, does that sound right? Do you remember what the cloudy vs amber vs clear trichomes were on any you ran? How about @ShuswapSmoke? Mongo says your OH x PAC is finishing at 8 weeks? Ive got this little lady that was 12 weeks since flip on Monday. Its still got about 2/5 clear trichomes and very few amber ones…

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…ok, to play devil’s advocate with myself and maybe get some knowledge from my OG family, I am including a picture, MY BAD FOR THE IMAGE QUALITY, I tried to make it easiest for us all to have uniformity in identifying target area, so when giving your opinion on ripeness, use ONLY the trichomes INSIDE THE CRUDELY DRAWN RED CIRCLE!
Here’s the picture and I DO believe its a shot of one of the colas on @Mongobongo’s OH x PAC, Im running,

Ok, since it seems to me that there IS different degrees of each trichome stage, that there is ONLY ONE OR TWO CLEAR TRICHOMES and its hard to tell but the ones I’m marking as clear, you can only really see the top of them and none of the stalk. There are at least 2 different levels of cloudy, in my opinion, and the ones that sorta look clear but have a slight opaqueness to them and then the ones that have cloudiness thru the stalk and almost look like they have milk in them. There looks to be a couple amber ones too, but I have been known to see the orange hairs reflecting into my lenses and giving a false identification of amber trichomes.

Thanks all who participate!


looks like a 50/50 split from cloudy and clear… interesting. I’m running some now.


Was thinking same as mongobongo said, bout a fifty fifty clear and cloudy. I don’t notice any amber trichomes but I do notice orange glows here or there that I think is the reflection you mentioned.


What light are you using?

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Huh, so that DEFINITELY clears, hehe, no pun intended, up the trichome clear/cloudiness. Im taking it from your answers that the cloudy ones are pretty obviously clouded and the ones that look slightly cloudy are most likely an optical illusion or my bad eyesight


I had it under my Solsheet X, its got the 185 watt driver. I then moved it under the 600 watt HPS for late flower…

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