Help with watering ideas


Here’s an old pic of the Octopot set up

Stop by my threads you’ll see them in action



you could use a dwc hydro setup if you put the tubs on cement blocks with a pallet on top so they can drain easily. put a spigot on each one and get a sump pump to pump it in. if you get a creeper you can put three 5 gallon buckets on it and fill it with the sump then roll them to the tubs and use the sump to fill, drain with the spigots, or even bypass them and use the sump to drain. it is so much easier to maintain a dwc setup than ebb and flow, especially if you have a power outage.
edit: get a wagon and not a creeper. easier to haul around. they make cool work wagons or you can get a little red wagon like i had for the boy.
edit 2: although looking at it, i think i may look into octopots a little closer. looks even easier than dwc.

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Pics of auto pot setup?

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Everyone’s thinking of watering and saving his back. Cool. He has some good options. Is this your 1st grow of this size? Whatever that is. I’m assuming final pot size too.bWhat’s your next process? You defoliate much? That can be brutal on the back too.
Really not being a jerk about it. Not on purpose anyways. I’ve gotten ahead of myself every way you can think of when it comes to working smarter or harder. . Amending 300 gallons of used soil in a kiddie pool is bad enough. Realizing you could have mixed it right next to where I was gonna use it.


diy or cheaper options are probably more the speed here. according to octopot site with res and bag it should be 26" tall so this would probably do wonders when working under the canopy.

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People forget… people forgot to get a big reservoir with a nice little pump and run their water lines on the ceiling with quick connects every 4ft. Get a water wand, move around freely, never bending. click splash, go for a blunt and a whiskey. :grin:


Here is some pics from my grow thread


I have 2 separate 25 gallon reservoirs and about 3-4 days before I think I’m going to run out on one I fill the other mix my nutes in and give about a day or two to let the ph stabilize.
I used to run a RO but it just wastes to much water so know I run this on the end of my 50 ft hose and run it straight in my reservoir to fill up.
Easy peasy.


How long does a full res last in flower? I’ve got usually 15-20 flowering. Can I fill those pots with coco loco as I’ve been doing or do I need to switch mediums?

Any leaking in the system or is it quality parts?

Also does this just feed them enough so there is no runoff to drain?

like this idea a lot… downsize is my res would be 40 feet from one of my rooms… or I keep it in room but then I’m 40 feet from water access….

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Also what’s the big garden looking hose on the floor used for? I assume the little lines to each pot provide the water ?

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I only run 4 plants know in a 5x5 tent and it fills up with no problem.
In flower a 25 gallon reservoir lasts me about 7-8 days.
Autopots recommends a coco/perlite mix 70/30 or I know others that run straight coco so unfortunately you would have to switch mediums.I’m not to familiar with coco loco but I think it is soil.[quote=“Animosity, post:30, topic:114784”]
Any leaking in the system or is it quality parts?

Not going to lie I have had leaks before I have a few stories to tell but nothing that would turn me away lol.[quote=“Animosity, post:30, topic:114784”]
Also does this just feed them enough so there is no runoff to drain?

Absolutely no run off.[quote=“Animosity, post:31, topic:114784”]
Also what’s the big garden looking hose on the floor used for?

1/2 inch hose connects to the reservoir.

Cocoloco is indeed that coco. So I should be ok there

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So that hose comes off your faucet to fill the res?

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If you notice on the last pic I posted we’re the 2 reservoirs are together you can see the hose connected at the bottom front.
It clicks on like a compressor hose.
You fill the reservoir up from the top.
I pull my water hose in to the room and top fill the reservoir.
Or you can fill up 5 gallon buckets and wheel in 2-3 at a time and then I use an electric pump and pump from 5 gallons in to the reservoir.
What ever works better for you…

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I could run a hose to res. How long is the main feed from res to the individual tubes for buckets?

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The one I have currently is about 8 ft or so long.
I just switched rooms and had to set my reservoirs on the side of the tent instead of the front line I originally cut the lines for this length.
So I purchased 1/2 vinyl tubbing and I’m going to rerun the main line to fit the new set up.

Nice reservoir may I ask the company name

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Those look like the auto pot flexi tanks to me.

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Hard to beat a flood table based on everything I ever seen on the internet. Local shop and a lot of local guys love floraflex tho, killer results.

I’m super duper smalltime home hobbyist so just hand water and run bubble bucket DWC sometimes, but if I was gonna “go for it” on a big setup I’d build a couple flood tables and do the grodan slug bag style.


An ebb and flow table with a rez under it is the way to go.

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