Hemp’s 2024 Fall Grow!

I hate them little @#$%^'s!


They got my arm. About a dozen bites.
I put a heating pad under the seeds that I just dropped. Put them in the worm castings. Believe they got a little hot. Had the timer set wrong. I’ll see. The others are popping out of the soil. I have 19 of those. Half has little wings.


I believe they got to hot. I see tails but they didn’t get any longer over night. The other ones haven’t popped. The frosted cobra has small tails, as I said they haven’t grown in length. The last of the lip gloss. I’ll give them a little longer. I hated to lose the lip gloss. Had issues with that entire seed pack.

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Once I left my seeds on a heating mat over night and it ended up evaporating all the moisture in the bag they were in. I had a little hygrometer with them and the temp was a bit over 100*F :partying_face:

All the tap roots retreated back into the husk. I ended up adding more moisture and turning the heat mat off, and putting them in a sealed Tupperware under a towel.
Later that night/next morning I had nice long taps again!


Cool. That is what I’m hoping.

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Also good morning, brother and happy Monday to you @hemp ! Hope the sun is shining on you today.

I’d wager as long as the tap is white and doesn’t looked cooked you’ll be golden!
You have any kelp products? Kelp has natural plant growth regulators in it and I’ve seen some folks who soak their seeds in a kelp tea v. water and get insane tap growth.

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I have some. I dropped some more this morning.


I gave them some iguana juice. One ml to a gallon of water. I believe the worm castings are a bit to wet. Going back to placing on paper towels.

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Good morning to you today. Hope you have a great week.

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I use both of these and PH perfect.


Good morning @Hemp ! I see babies coming up! You’re back in the saddle again!!!


Thank you my friend.


Looks like a few of the frosted cobra and lip gloss has tails. Frankie hasn’t done anything. I see a few white lines on the sides, but no tails.


I’m a little jealous. I’ve seen pictures of the Frosted Cobra. They look amazing! I’m looking forward to pics of yours brother.


Thanks my friend. Had to go to the doctors today. I got to get them in some dirt today.


9 more with tails in soil. Had to add some soil to some that are getting a bit of a stretch. Turned the light up to 60%. I believe this is going to be a good grow. A few beans didn’t pop the first round. They were a verity of different seeds. I have a friend that will get a few of the plants. He has a few issues with starting from seed. He does great with clones.


So the Frankenstein popped?

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Not yet. I’m sure maybe tonight.


They all have nice tails. Got to many. lol
Im sure I’ll have a bunch of males. Will be back in a few days. Frankie hasn’t popped. I believe those seeds got too hot.

Frankie’s in the middle. I’m not seeing any action. A few other Frosted cobra look kind of funny looking so I’m not sure how they’re gonna turn out.


Hoping they turn out just fine for ur OG FAM

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