Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

Yes!!! I’ve been meaning to mention it, but keep spacing out. Very cool leaves.
NL Double Serreations

I like the sound of good weed :yum:


I couldn’t stand it anymore, and chopped the SSDD.
SSDD F1 Chop

SSDD F1 Chop (1)

SSDD F1 Chop (2)

She was a weird one, or else I was out of it for her bloom! Viney, viney, viney, with branches crossed over around hither and yon. Lotsa single branches… whoever trained this thing was asleep at the wheel… doofus!

Still a bunch of good top bud without a lot of crispyness, but the lowers ai yi yi!

The fan stems were weird, too. Very brittle, snapped at the slightest bend. I wish I really knew what I did to this one, cause I don’t ever want to do it to another. Only thing I can think of is using those old nutes, just never had salts turn on me like that before. Anyway, it’s fresh from here on out!

Chopping her freed up the space for the HHP, though.

Dialed back the QB, and will let her veg for a bit til she hits 2’, then see if she wants to stretch so I can pull out those foam blocks. Way easier for me than moving the lights!

I also got a better pic of the NL’s serrations.


I’m glad some people are keeping SSDD alive & well. I’ve read everywhere that it’s like the BEST for nerve pain/neuropathy & no one’s selling the seeds. I’m hoping I can get my hands on some in the future, after I’ve gotten decent at growing :slight_smile:


My SSDD would kind of do the same thing, you really had to be on top of the training. We must have the same guy that trains our plants :wink: Mine end up looking like your’s do too.

IME high doses of Silca will do this to stems. Maybe something to look into?


Hay Gonzo! I don’t know if it’s the best for nerve pain, but it does help a lot with mine. Besides being the best all around I’ve found, that’s just one one of the reasons I keep her.

There may still be a pack or two of original F1’s out there, and available, but odds are better for F2’s. There’s more than a few folks here who have made some.

Let me me know when you’re decent at growing, I may have some cuts by then :slight_smile:

That guy is a total slacker, he’d better shape up, lol! I’ve been growing this cut for a few years, and this is the first time she’s been this much of a pain. I’ve got to back and see if I have any pics of what messed up. I don’t want be a plant abuser!

You are right…I do add silica to the feeds. I’d thought about that, and did cut back on her dose about a month ago, probably too late. I’ve been adding Si for a few years, too, at the same rate, and this is the first time I’ve seen this… I think. I do smoke this stuff!

I’ve got a few more clones vegging, I am definitely going to do better parenting.

Do you still a cut going? Maybe in a journal?

Thanks for dropping in!


haha yeah I hear you. I used to take better notes when I was growing with coco and canna A+B. I only had it happen few times with the petioles snapping extra easily. They almost seemed like they were swollen or something… it was strange. I didn’t 100% conclude that silicates were the problem, but my last couple of runs in coco I didn’t use it and didn’t notice the issue. Now that I’m mostly organic, I only use AgSil16H for foliar feeding.

Lost all my cuts when I moved out west. But, I just popped a pack of Bubba Kush Katsu x SSDD from Bodhi. I’ll be logging it here. You’re welcome to tag along.


hi buddy looking good in here,nl gives me whiteys! ssdd is nicer imo but good luck with both,herer hashplant sounds good,thanks for sharing


Ha, nice one @duke!

The only time I ever had the whiteys was in Copenhagen. 1965. First time I ever smoked anything, and it was hash and baccy in a 2 man pup tent with about 20 Danes! I never understood ruining good hash like that!

2x out of 5x Chitral Pakistani Kush cracked and sprouted. That is not good enough odds for finding a girl, so I dropped another 5x in the pooll, then stuck them in the lucky Cheech and Chong DVD. I’m hoping it got luckier since the last 5.

PCK s (1)

The Blueberry Diesel just keeps getting lusher, but still no sign of her team :slight_smile:
BBD (3)

Decided to move the Herer HP to the Big Tent for later logistical juggling.

She was under 16/8, but when I moved her, I noticed some hairs. I don’t usually see that this late in veg, so she got flipped to 10/14/ She was right at 2’, too.

These were a couple of her lower leaves.

Maybe something P related? IDK. I plucked 'em, and hope I don’t see anymore!

I am really enjoying growing the NL #5. I love her structure, and sassy, nubile look, lol! 24 DFF.
NL 5

NL 5 (1)

NL 5 (2)

NL 5 (3)

NL 5 (4)

NL 5 (5)

Hope y’all had a green weekend… it was beautiful fall weather here :slight_smile:


Besides having all the SSDD cuts in the bubble bucket looking like they are on their last legs, I’ve been killing more PCK seedlings… Halloween sacrifices, or just more unwholesome holiday fun?

The first 2 PCK’s are plugging along.

I was hoping for at least for one more for female insurance and pheno variety, but I’ll take what I can get.

On the other hand, the Blueberry Diesel is a young lady!

She got new shoes, 1 gallon size, and a new handbag is on order.

After the Lemon Kush topped herself, the new growth has gone back to normal. I’m going to have to top her again, so we’ll see what mysteries that unlocks.

A little guard bug has gotten through the spider defense line.

The Herer Hashplant was flipped 6 days ago. I am really liking the way she is growing up. She’s looking like she will be filling the tent pretty soon.

NL#5 is at 20 days. She’s very stout, and seems like she may still stretch a little more, but I need to get her caged up. It bites me in the ass every time I put that off.

Her upright structure is great for this space. The upper buds are doing some nice pirouetting around the stalks, and then the lowers are branching upwards. Gotta open up her nethers a bit soon… maybe today!

That’s it for now, hope it’s been this same beautiful fall weather everywhere.
Sammy and Garden


Great looking plants and beautiful property you have there! Like the orange cat adding the fall/Halloween vibes, would consider moving to the Carolinas based on those fall colors if it didn’t get so damn hot and humid in the summer.


Thanks @ElGalloBlanco. I moved back here because I can’t stand the cold, but with the globe warming, it’s become a shoulda been careful what I wished for thing :slight_smile:


I actually got the NL corralled… before she started flopping! TBH, the first time growing her, and she may not want to lay about at all, but I’m not taking chances. I hate picking a lady up off the floor.

Got the suckers and sinks cleared out, too.


It’s looking dim for the PCK’s… the curse of the Black Thumb.
PCK (1)

All the SSDD cuts in the bubble cloner decided to be compost, too. No pics out of respect for the dead.

I’m probably more persistent than smart, so took more cuts and plonked them into coco. Gave each stem a few upward knicks ala @duke 's suggestion. I didn’t think to use aloe, d’oh, so just straight into moist coco.
SSDD Coco Dome (1)

I even found a dome buried in the rubble, and cleaned it up!
SSDD Coco Dome



hi horse good luck with the cloning,might be better if your cups excluded light better,some tape around them maybe?not going to make a massive difference but roots prefer to grow in darkness.
i just binned 6 clones due to extreme slackness on someones part…peace


Ive found light has absolutely zero bearing on root growth. Shining light on them can cause algae growth and other stuff if they’re wet though, but sans that the roots will grow the same under a 600w hid as they will in the dark. All my bottom fed plants have mats of roots directly under the lights with no issues.

I have had really good luck getting clones rooted using root riots in a dome, over straight into coco or even in the aerocloner recently. Not sure why, but it’s working better.


I know there are a ton of variables at play and wouldn’t be able to suggest a quick fix for your situation. The aeroponic cloning machines for me have been very close to 100% when protocols are followed, whether it’s from mothers or a variety of seed stock. I have had massive failures with cloning in aero cloners in the past but have figured out the problems in my case. In my experience with an aeroponic cloner (turbokloner) the main impediments that I’ve found to successfully cloning are

  • Cleanliness : I always try to sterilize my pruning sheers and cloning machine with bleach and wear gloves while taking cuttings.

  • Unhealthy moms : Overly deficient or rootbound mothers will still root but at less impressive rates. (your cuttings look nice and green so unlikely that it applies to you)

  • Fluctuations or extremes in temperatures or light.


I’m going to put the clear cups into red solos after a bit. When my cuts used to strike, it was encouraging to be able to see the roots! Exciting even!

I don’t mind algae on the medium surface so much, but I’d rather not have it on the insides of the cup. I think it depletes the O2, and I think roots like O2. Says the clone killer, lol!

I use keeping things simple as an excuse to be a slacker! I do sterilize my snips and other tools, but maybe not well enough? The gloves, though, they’re going on my to do list, thanks!

I keep the cuts in the clone box on a heat mat set to 80°, but the thermostat can only keep the temp within 10° of ambient… and sometimes it’s 60°, or lower… I’ll see what I can do about that :slight_smile:

I have a question about embolisms. Some of these cuts (all off the same plant) have hollow stems. I’ve read about embolisms, but not sure I’ve ever seen the results, or if they are even a real thing that would effect pot. Other than death, what’s the result look like?

The last fatalities all got pinched in the middle of their leaves, with a dark coloration at the pinch.

Thanks for the comments, they all make me think :slight_smile:


The cloning adventures continue!

Those plus one that just croaked, and another that I knicked too deeply, leaves 3x.

I think the mold, I’m guessing it’s mold, is from having the dome vents closed. I closed them because the heat mat seemed to be drying things out. There was no condensation on the inside of the dome, so I figured I’d spray some water there, and on the clones. Don’t do that!

Being a glutton for punishment, and having to top the Blueberry Diesel again, I stuck the cuts in a cup of water, brought them upstairs into the sunroom, and stuck them in a warm, shady spot. Never quit hoping, right, lol!

The BBD is lush, even without her tops.

Upcanned the Lemon Kush into a 2 gallon airpot, and stuck her under a 315.

I’m not sure what she’s up to. She seems to be back to identifying as a diploid, but she’s sticking with the faceted, sorta flat stems. I still haven’t done any of my usual shenanigans with her.

I may flip her at 18" instead of the usual 2’, don’t want her to stretch through the floor!

If anyone has any experience with this fasciation stuff, I’d love to hear about it.

The Herer Hashplant is a 14 days, and may turn into a rodeo.

The chamber is 4 x 4.5 x 5, and she’s already sprawled enough to fill the width. I’m reluctant to truss her up before she finishes her stretch, but I may need to get over that!

I tried some training clips on some overstretching tops, but obviously I need to practice this some more. Not as high stress as supercropping, but not exactly lst!

NL#5 is at it’s boring stage, at least to me. Slowly filling in and frosting up.

See what I mean? lol!

Broke down the last SSDD.

I only trim to the frost! She gave up just under 8 zips of buds like those from a 2 gallon pot. Probably not much for most of you, but it made me happy!

I squished 4x 1/4’s of trim… it’s quite tasty :yum:

And, after getting the lowdown on fulvic for starting stubborn seeds from @minitiger, I went looking for mine.

It was powder the last time I saw it!

Thanks poking your heads in… it’s 83° here, in November, and Ms H wants me to get up firewood :frowning:


The last 3 little soldiers are down :frowning:

8 more replacements got called up from the rear.

Vermiculite in popsicle molds w/ a hole in the bottom. I keep about 1/2" of water in tray, which wicks up through the hole.

Smaller cuts w/ smaller stems this time. I cleaned everything w/ alcohol, and wore gloves… even tried to clean the flats! They made it through the night!

Suckered the Here HP. 16 days from flip. A little earlier than I usually do it, but the suckers were dragging some of the lower branches down. She’s not finished stretching, but I may have to truss her up early. IDK.

Those clips do seem to work, too… takes me a while sometimes :slight_smile:


I don’t know if it’s a resurrection, or not, but one of the cuts in coco cups came back from the dead! No pics, or roots, you’ll just have to believe! The rest of the cuts in popsicle molds and cups of water are still holding.

The Lemon Kush is still a strange bird. One of the two tops that naturally split is still fasciated.

The other is not.

Can’t get a good pic of the stems, but the the one on the left is flat, and the other isn’t.

There’s some weird fan growth on the flat side too. Fingers under fingers, and more under that.

I love it!

The Blueberry Diesel is getting fatter and sassier.

I did finally lasso the Herer HP. She is a more tangled than Br’er Rabbits briar patch, but luckily without the thorns.

I’m guessing she’s more JH than HP. The supposed JH’s I grew out years ago, were very viney and needed a lot of support. She is wall to wall in her space in her space, even with the wire and stick corral. I give her 1/4 turn every day so she gets an even dose of QB and CMH, and at least her branches aren’t catching on the fan cords anymore. 19 days from flip.

The NL #5 is still slowly fattening.

33 days from flip, and she is really sticky. A little bud fondling, and the smell is a luscious fresh, almost sweet floral thing with a touch of pine needle. It’s really nice.

Sorry about some of those foggy pics, the crawl is shrouded in mystery I guess, or maybe it’s the humidity from the remnants of Nicole!

So thanks for stoopin’ in, hope all is well out there.