Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

I don’t know if it’s a resurrection, or not, but one of the cuts in coco cups came back from the dead! No pics, or roots, you’ll just have to believe! The rest of the cuts in popsicle molds and cups of water are still holding.

The Lemon Kush is still a strange bird. One of the two tops that naturally split is still fasciated.

The other is not.

Can’t get a good pic of the stems, but the the one on the left is flat, and the other isn’t.

There’s some weird fan growth on the flat side too. Fingers under fingers, and more under that.

I love it!

The Blueberry Diesel is getting fatter and sassier.

I did finally lasso the Herer HP. She is a more tangled than Br’er Rabbits briar patch, but luckily without the thorns.

I’m guessing she’s more JH than HP. The supposed JH’s I grew out years ago, were very viney and needed a lot of support. She is wall to wall in her space in her space, even with the wire and stick corral. I give her 1/4 turn every day so she gets an even dose of QB and CMH, and at least her branches aren’t catching on the fan cords anymore. 19 days from flip.

The NL #5 is still slowly fattening.

33 days from flip, and she is really sticky. A little bud fondling, and the smell is a luscious fresh, almost sweet floral thing with a touch of pine needle. It’s really nice.

Sorry about some of those foggy pics, the crawl is shrouded in mystery I guess, or maybe it’s the humidity from the remnants of Nicole!

So thanks for stoopin’ in, hope all is well out there.


Looking killer as always curious to see what comes of those lemon kush one of the highest I’ve ever been was off blunt of some lemon kush a few months after I started smoking been chasing that high since hope it turns out to be some amazing weed for you!


Thanks for looking in, and I hope this is that same pheno you had, or maybe one side of it will be :slight_smile:


hi horse i would suggest for clones use pure coco and stick it in the microwave for 2 minutes before inserting clones forget the domes and just put them somewhere with no fans and small amount of light ,never had any luck with either perlite or vermiculite for clones but pure coco might take a while but nearly always works for me,then i forget to feed them till they are bright frigging yellow and have to nurse them back to green growth again!i do not reccomend that bit.
good looking haul on the ssdd my seeds do not seem to be viable despite correct low temp storage but still have half a dozen to try again,best of green mojos. peace


Ahhh, that sounds sounds like it’s in the on deck circle

! Actually, I think I’ve had luck in pure coco before, and I can easily sneak the coco by Ms H chocolate shavings, lol!

The domes have never worked for me, I don’t know why I even have them. Oh right I never throw anything away.

Perlite never worked either, but vermiculite worked a treat for 4 or 5 years, then squat :frowning:

Sorry to hear about the seeds. I’ve got more, just holler, and there’s some work on some fems afoot.

Thanks for poking your nut in, and don’t give up helping, I’ll get some clones yet!


The PCK is toddling along. The only one out of 10 to get this far. I’m thinking male, but hoping not.

SSDD cuts. No roots showing after 12 days, but still looking perky.

Upcanned the Blueberry Diesel today. I’m calling her Charlene Barkley, she’s a round mound. Plonked her in a 2G airpot, and stuck her under a 315 for a while.

The Lemon Kush just keeps getting weirder.

She topper herself earlier, and has gone and done it again, but on only one of the 2x mains.

The purple striped stems are pretty neat looking. They are fasciated on the older parts, and the new growth sort of grows into it.

She’s been flipped for 4 days, and not showing any pistils yet. It will be interesting if she grows flat tops like I’ve seen others do.

These pics of the Herer Hashplant are from about a week ago when I checked the lights after changing all the timers. My eyes can’t take the grow lights, so I do all my gardening at lights out with a headlamp, and take pics with a flash. It really washes out the buds. So, these are rare, no flash!

She was about 22 days.

NL#5 w/out flash.

It’s crazy, but the color is barely visible, except in the pics.

A shot entering the dungeon of delights.

And last night’s sunset through the old oak (bout 275 years old!).


Another week for the most boring grow on the net, just lazing along :slight_smile:

The SSDD cuts in the popsicle molds and vermiculite are 20 days old, not showing any rootage yet, but they are not dead!

They actually look pretty good to me. Getting some yellowing up top, but still have turgor, and no moldy stems. They seem firmly stuck when they are tugged, too.

The PCK hit 6 nodes and got whacked back to 4. It’s still a no show as far as pronouns.

The Blueberry Diesel before a little clean up of her nethers.

And after.

Pinched some of her tops back, too, just trying to get a manageable shape for her later trussing. She’s about 18" above her pot now, shooting for 24" before flipping.

Herer Hashplant is getting some nice pom poms.

Looks like she’ll be pretty covered in smallish buds. She’s at 35 days. Not much smell, other than the usual fresh weed with a bit of spiceyness.

NL #5 is at 49 days. She is filling in very nicely, long branches full of buds.

I know she still has a way to go, but these little pinkish//purple bud tiplets are so cute at this stage :yum:

A week or so ago, I freaked out when I thought I was seeing big poofy spots of PM all over her. I was ready to start a class action against @JoeCrowe ! After I cleaned off my specs, I saw they were the fuzziest pistils I’ve ever noticed. Not all the pistils are that way, but there a lot of them, and they are all over. This plant does keep me interested!

I’m still getting burned tips on the bloomers. First the foxtailly Aluna, then the NL and now the HHP. It’s been a while since I had grown anything other than SSDD, and they took an 1.4-1.45ec all day long… night too!

I’ve dropped back to 1.28-1.3 or so, and I’m still seeing them… working the way up the fans, and then to some sugar tips. The veggers ec is about 1.37, with no ill effects.

With the SSDD’s I had to add a bit of KSO4, or the fan edges would get crispy, and I’m still adding it. It really makes the plants look ugly like that, but so do these danged fried tips. Maybe I should quit that, LOL!


Hmm what are you feeding with exactly?

If the burnt tips point up that usually means deficiency and not excess. Dark green and burn pointed down is usually excess(nute burn). I’m using gypsum+maxibloom and I need flower EC to be ~2-2.5 to not get deficiency burn. Some bigger plants I’ve had to go above 3EC to stay in line…

Regardless, everything’s looking great in here!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Whoa! I’m using 1pt Megacrop w/ a soluble Ca, and some KSO4. MC feeding guide keeps the bloom ec below 1.67. I’ve never gone that high.

Interesting about the direction the tips point, that’s new to me, but these seem to both up and down?

I always seem to burn the plants when I add P/K to bloom feeds, so I only use it in veg! These bloomers may need a bit of a P boost?

Thanks, it makes it easy for me to overlook the tips, but I’m still trying to perfectly grow 'em :slight_smile:


Yeah light green leaves with burnt tips pointing up usually means deficiency in my experience. Usually potassium, though can be nitrogen too if leaves are also fading yellow.
Dark green with burnt tips pointing down usually means nutrient burn, specifically, nitrogen toxicity, but can also get crispy from potassium burn.

I found anytime I dosed extra PK in flower, I got lockouts in the form of even more burn. There’s antagonism between phosphorous, magnesium, and calcium, so getting all 3 in balance when you need to boost PK is a bit difficult. It’s why I’ve just stuck with the gypsum and maxibloom and no boosters or anything else. Maxibloom is 5-15-14 so there’s less need of boosters anyways and it’s harder to get N toxicity too.

Looks like you got a handle on everything already though, i’m just putting out side notes lol ^^


lol, if that shit comes back, you can call me the dumbest fucker on the planet who’s full of crap.


plus I’m gonna want my money back LOL!


I’ve been knocked out with covid since Thanksgiving, and still testing positive :frowning: Tough squeezing gardening in between naps! SSDD tincs have been making the naps restful, but I’m ready for this shit to be over.

3x of the SSDD clones have shown roots!

Dropped 3x Hindu Hashplant (love gift)(LA Hindu x 88G13HP)

PCK topped for the second time. 52 days from seed, still no sign of team, but she is a sturdy stemmemd strumpet… and her leaves are fat!

Lemon Kush is all over the place. I’ve been too slack to rein her in. 19 days, just about finished stretching.

Blueberry Diesel around 18".

Herer Hashplant just started sparkling. 44 DFF

NL #5 is going to the dark side… I was not expecting that. I wish I could smell :yum: 58 DFF

Okee dokee, that’s it for now… nap time :slight_smile:


Amazing you’ve been able to keep your plants looking good and take pictures throughout all that, from what I’ve heard it can be brutal on your energy levels. Being sick sucks man, hope you feel better soon!


Thanks man, I’m just thankful for the vaccines and boosters :slight_smile: I’ve been pretty good at operating on low energy levels ever since I retired!


Hope you feel better soon @HorseBadorites! Garden is looking great stoked to see what comes of those hindu hashplant sending love light and heaing vibes your way :heart::seedling::sunny:


Thanks man… it better be soon, I can only use it as an excuse to fuck off for so long!

I’m excited for the Hindu’s, too, if anyone knows anything about LA Hindu, I’d love to hear it :slight_smile:


Gawddamn, man, I didn’t know you started a new thread. Just saw those pics you posted on the Bodhi log and was like,”Why hasn’t HorseBadorites been posting these on his ‘Under the floorboards’ thread?”

Anyway, got a lot of catching up to do…


Ha, who wants miss me going from clone killer to seed fryer!

Dropped 3x of B’s Hindu Hashplant love gifts from a ways back. Cracked, sprouted, stuck 'em coco, in two days they were shrivelled stubs :frowning:

Ok, dropped 3x more, and it was déjà vue all over again… well, one is not quite dead, yet.

Seems I’ve been killing a lot more seeds than I’ve cared to remember. Since July I’ve gone 4 for 19, yoiks! Seeds were never anything I worried about. So, I’m taking the bull by the horns and sprouting 8x SSDD F1’s… fuck the fates… I even cleaned out their cups! I may or may not report back on this.

This Pakistani Chitral Kush is one of 10 that made it… and really screwed up my average! 65 days from seed, and still not sure of a pronoun. I love it’s structure.

Chopped the NL, so the Blueberry Diesel moved into the bloom lineup. She just hit 2’. Still couldn’t get as round as I wanted.

The Lemon Kush is more surprising every day, and she’s been going for 32 days! Exceptionally sticky, and even with covid nose, smells like lemon peel. I really like lemony weed :yum:

She was so weird to start, I never topped her, and I top everything. She topped herself twice.

I did have to do some bending to keep her out of the light. I’m not a fan of the lump supercropping makes, why put a roadblock in an Interstate? I used some clips, but still got some lumpage… I need practice! But I’m loving the way some of the colas are getting, like cartoon fingers

The Herer Hashplant is at 55 days, keeps getting frostier. I can’t seem to get a good closeup of her.

Chopped @PlantShepherd 's NL#5 at 69 days. She kept getting blacker and blacker, I wish could smell better… she looks like she smells good!

Seemed where the lights hit the colas turned dark, and the other side was much more greenish. The lights out temps were from 75°F a few weeks ago to 68°F when she was chopped. I’ve had plants turn purple from the cold, and this wasn’t that. I hadn’t seen any reports of these going colorful, but whadda I know?

Mostly big branches, well at least for me. Pretty heavy branches, too.

The temp is 64°F in that area. RH 55%. I think a couple of weeks at the earliest… hope my nose comes back by then!

Thanks for stoopin’ in!

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That’s the spirit haha. Hopefully all goes well with those. Everything is looking nice and healthy but I especially like those Herer HP shots!