Hermie or Not?

Hi all,

new the community but a fairly long-time grower of MJ. However, I’ve stumbled upon a situation I haven’t been in before predominantly because I normally use feminized seeds or female clones.

We had a hermaphrodite last year that fertilized our females in a few places most along the main stalk. I’ve pulled the viable seeds as I’ve come across them and really like Dinafem Purps #1 (huge proponent of Blueberry) so decided to germinate one of those seeds this year. It has grown way faster and taller (twice as tall) than any of the feminized strains that I got from feminized seeds (Sensi Star, L.A. Amnesia, and Ice Cream) and the other day I noticed some horns or sacks coming off of the FOURTH leaf node on the plant:

I was reading the guide on pre-flower gender identification specifically off of the 4th leaf node and am a little concerned that we might have a hermie on our hands here. Not looking to get more seed so if so then I’ll likely take the ax to it (or completely isolate it) and grow an auto or another in its stead. Could someone please weigh in on this? I would be extremely appreciative :slight_smile:. Thanks in advance!



A post was merged into an existing topic: Male or female - Official Identification Thread