Male, Female or Hermie? 🔬 Official Sex Identification Topic

:warning: This is official identification thread. First post is wiki and you are welcome to update this post. First post should serve as a tutorial or guide featuring most illustrative examples of plant sex.

:camera: Post your photos as a reply to this topic to get your plants identified.

:recycle: All replies will be automatically deleted after 30 days. Good photo examples should be moved into this wiki post before reply expires.


Showing white pistils coming from the preflower. The hairs can be hard to see without using a magnifying glass.

Tip: Wait for the hairs to appear before killing it. Wait for the balls to appear before killing it, be patient.

Another female:

Notice the tear shaped preflowers and pistils coming from it:

Well developed female:



Clusters of balls:

Well developed male:


About tools

On removing males

Other references: