Male, Female or Hermie? 🔬 Official Sex Identification Topic

:warning: This is official identification thread. First post is wiki and you are welcome to update this post. First post should serve as a tutorial or guide featuring most illustrative examples of plant sex.

:camera: Post your photos as a reply to this topic to get your plants identified.

:recycle: All replies will be automatically deleted after 30 days. Good photo examples should be moved into this wiki post before reply expires.


Showing white pistils coming from the preflower. The hairs can be hard to see without using a magnifying glass.

Tip: Wait for the hairs to appear before killing it. Wait for the balls to appear before killing it, be patient.

Another female:

Notice the tear shaped preflowers and pistils coming from it:

Well developed female:



Clusters of balls:

Well developed male:


About tools

On removing males

Other references:


Hi guys new here trying to figure out how to work this forum as it sounds great I have a few plants in veg just starting to show pre flowers I’m 80% sure this one is gonna be a boy could anyone else here shed some knowledge please and thanks hopefully i can find how to post pic bear with me

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It’s not far along enough to see yet. Post pics again in a week or two and we can see if its showing. There are several companies that do sex testing by sending them a small leaf sample. It runs about 10-15 bucks per test but if you’re in a hurry it’s a quick way to sex them. Farmer Freeman is the company I have used and they were good to deal with.


Yea thanks just looks sus to the right the little stick and ball the others showing hair do not have the same part as of testing I cannot use those types of services as I’m in New Zealand

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I do on the other hand have spare clone of each varity that has rooted so I will flower one of each of those try speed it up

Gotcha on the testing. Most of my plants show sex by the 4th week of veg usually or soon after so I just wait them out. Seeing the 2 white hairs means female and the boys will have little balls on a short stem. It takes a bit for the males to start dropping pollen so it’s fine to just wait until you’re sure. Best of luck with the grow and update some pics as it develops so the community can offer advice. Welcome to Overgrow.


Yes I definitely will be sharing thanks for the reply I’m kind of hoping for a male of this it’s soco og x kre8s chewy runtz would love to dust it over my Oldschool stretchy blueberry to try get it a lil more compactness and bigger flowers as bit spindly


Slightly bigger one


That’s a boy

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Nice I was hoping thought he cussed from the beginning

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Edit :Was suss *

What do you guys think. This is MelvinZ (Zkittlez clone x ( The One x Z-cubed). It’s feminized and had been going really well up to now. I went to water it this morning before lights off and saw this. I was really looking forward to this plant as I had originally started 5 seeds and this was the only one I have. I had just bought the seeds a couple months ago direct from breeder.

And a photo of Mothermilk f2 for reference that was started at same time. Also there are more photos on my grow thread of both the MM and MelvinZ and others. I want to confirm my suspicion before I reach out to breeder, :pray:


There is always a small chance of a feminized seed being just male. It is very small but it is there. I only see male parts.


If it was just a male I could then potentially use it to make seeds with.?.?.? I had taken 2 snips, before I had flipped to flowering, about 10-12 days ago. Should I do something with them.?.?.?

Also for transparency sake, I reached out to the breeder, Seattle Chronics/Rab/Capt Stubing and he has responded already offering to replace the pack or send something else from what he has available.


2/3 males now I have 3 diffrent males gonna have to make a decision who’s cooler fast lol

Don’t know why this one had to take 8 weeks to show