Hey all! Need some yield tips

I would not give up on photos…unless you can’t get more light. there is no way autos give more than photos in a general sense. you can completely control your photo’s condition when it enters flower. and, you can select a good clone that always yields well. you can’t do that with autos. Yes, some photos will use up a lot of room and give you not much…don’t run that one next time. select the one that gives a lot of bud/hash.

Also, more roots will give more fruits (if you have the lighting). I run a bunch of 2 gallons and pack it in at about 1/sqft. veg about 7 weeks from seed. i average 50g/sqft with about 55w/sqft without running high yield strains. I added side lighting, and got back about 0.5g/watt. The yield is better per sqft with many, smaller pots than a few big ones. yield per plant goes up with bigger pots. Still, my average yield in a 2 gallon is nearly what it is in a 5 gallon due the veg time. my overall outcome from seed has less variance now since i run more seeds/pots. if you run a 3 big plants and just 1 doesn’t turn out well you get hosed. if you run 8 plants and 1 or even 2 isn’t great, then you would be better off. with more plants you also have a higher chance of finding that one that suits you or gives you the big yield. each plant is a roll of the dice, and rolling the dice more can give you more wins.

Thank you for the reply. The move to autos was more of a trial run than anything. Had to see what the hype was about but I think I need the science to develop more before I go all in with auto. I have some 808 genetics regular seeds that I may pheno hunt. I’m more than likely going back to full photo whether it’s feminized or regular. I feel more comfortable with full photo as you said cause there is much more control of the variables. I do need to find some good genetics that aren’t super tall plants. The GG4 stretched too much for my little tent. Any recommendations for good breeders? I’ve heard the Gage Green Group is really top notch

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lots of good breeders out there, even the not so good ones have good bud most of the time. there are free seeds on OG all the time too. so far only breeders I can’t rec are dutch passion, la plata labs and delicious seeds. everything else has been as described more or less.

I just did a grow of OG seeds alongside the cheapest seed vendor i could find, Happy Bird Seeds. The outcome was pretty nice. There were a lot of stretchy plants. I grew out females from about 20 strains. of all of them, only a few were short. Most of the strains I grew had very little information. That made this a more difficult grow.

you might use grow diaries or ask around here if you want to confirm the height/yiled of a plant. i grow in a 5 footer and could do just about any strain in that…I grow a lot of stretchy stuff and get away with it.

shortest plants: Widow Bomb Landrace and Big Detroit Energy x Roadkill Skunk that I got on this site. Strawberry lemonade from barney’s farm was also short. all decent yields.

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Once your actually able to post pics maybe we will see some potential fixes.

And yields photos or autos differences to me doesn’t matter to much, as if you have things in a good range environment and conditions wise you’ll pull well.

Like me and autos I’m in the 1.5-2+g/w range in 9weeks when going for bud.