What do you guys think about Autoflowers?

I’m just wondering what people on here think about autoflowers vs photoperiods. Which do you all prefer and why?


Blasphemy. I only have ever popped them for fun or to fill space. Photos can yield way more if done right.


Sorry for typos… :rofl:

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Happy to have both. Haters gonna hate hate hate


Yes I agree. Some love em some hate em.

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Don’t hate em, just don’t grow em


There wicked for a huge run. I’ve seen it, I just don’t mess with them too much.

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Title is devicive click bait lol


They both have their place but my preference is photos.


I’ll definitely always prefer photos…but autos have come a long way and i think a pretty cool way to refresh the stash between “Real” harvests


I think there are situations where autos make sense. I do prefer photos in general, but if I were living in an apartment or condo where light pollution is a thing, and I wanted to do a balcony grow, auto is the way to go.

Also across a single spring/summer season, one can potentially grow two sets of autos end to end. This will be my first summer giving that a shot. I’ve got Cherry Cobbler, Lucifer’s Big Buddy, and Stuck in Plain Site running outside ATM. (all from OG 22-Fall box!)


Welcome to my world :joy:


Not going to lie, I have grown them with huge success. They were fun and all, and I still enjoy them. But I use them for filling holes in numbers. Haven’t done a dedicated full run of my limit. Would like to someday for fun. I believe that last pineapple haze yielded just shy of a qp. The main reason I have stepped away from them is mark. His half photo half auto shit fucked up a huge run. And I netted nothing. No one told me they were semi autos. Fuck me. Big waist of my time and money.

I’ve also been on a clone running spree. Haven’t popped beans for so long. I can’t remember popping the last ones.


I think they do nothing other than piss me off :joy:. It’s all I’ve grown, and each plant is a different strain, so the inconsistency gets on my nerves… probably my fault though. I think they have their place as far as ease of growing, but next run is definitely going to be photo.


If you don’t mind waiting, I’ve got a lot of autos and could send you a few.


I am about to plant 4 of them to put outside my cottage. With our short Canadian winter, these make the perfect start indoors and move out for early harvest plants. If given the option I would go with Photos but Auto’s certainly have their place IMO.


@LoveDaAutos @blowdout2269 @420noob should def be chiming in on this one haha

They are fun as throw grow and forget about for me. Very little maintainence and little space requirements that they are awesome to fill the gaps in a garden


Your project was absolutely insane @AzSeaindooin420 ! Biggest auto project I’ve seen for sure! And in the middle of moving. No small feat by any means!


They’re relatively easy to grow. Got a couple going now, and I’ll be growing a couple autos in my veg room from here on out I think. My flower room gets the photos though


Honestly, I’ve only been growing autos for about a year, minus my first DWC experiment. I love growing autos. I can cram a lot in my space and take them to completion in very little time. I have yet to get a runt or really stunt one(damn, now I’ve jinxed myself, lol). I think autos are fun to grow and train. And sometimes they can surprise you. I had a Chunkadelic auto from HSC yield 5.4oz for me last year!
Though I think the real auto expert to ask is @Going2fast. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: