High Showerthoughts, with JtheFool

Lol now you’re pushing it haha

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If for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction,
then the net sum of all actions in the same space is zero.
So the answer to the question of how the universe came from nothing is that there is still nothing;
it just got stretched very thin… :thinking:

Not getting the fucking sauce in the bag is an equal opposite reaction to something…

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Has anyone ever thought that the reality we live in a parallel universe to Warhammer 40k? Like living in a plane of existence where evil entities both known and unknown manipulating the population to their own agenda and desires while the rest of the population lives in delusion and what we do on this earth is feeding a larger entity that is working to corrupt all life in an eternal game of control?

Edit: for example we work for the collection of blood and souls for khorne through our love of death and destruction, or nurgle with the covid shit, maybe slaneesh with our ever lowering of standards and blatant need to live in luxury, or shit tzeentch even through the ever corrutable institutions ie politics, religion, academics and so on.

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Exactly the opposite. I’m reminded of Good Omens here… Crowley sleeps through the 14th century, then later on his higher-ups come to give him a commendation for the Spanish Inquisition because they assume he caused it. He’s just sitting there marveling at the ingenuity of humans, because he never would’ve come up with such evil ways to torture each other as we do. :stuck_out_tongue:


If I had to give my best life advice in twelve words,


You need more than twelve words to give good advice I think.


what you did there

A good number of people are NPCs change my mind

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don’t eat the yellow snow


The problem with having a rule
on a website for stoners
that no one ever indulge a paranoid thought about government conspiracies
because those MiGhT gEt PoLiTiCaL
is that people smoke Sativas.



I love that people could think of Taylor Swift as a secret government agent engaged in psy-ops… wouldn’t she have to be, you know, secretly trying to influence people’s votes if that were the case? Rather than openly telling all her fans exactly which party she wants them to vote for before every election cycle, which she basically is. Subliminal messaging, it’s not… superliminal, maybe. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Reminds me of Glamorama by bret Easton ellis.

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No animal shall sleep in a bed, ( without sheets)

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Are pants really just really long shorts or are shorts just really tiny pants?

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In the Phillipines some poor but innovative people are using ropes and dirt to power their homes. They have a gearbox and a ratio enough to create resistance and a rope with a bag of dirt on the other end. They pull that rope up, and it spins the gearbox for about an hour’s worth of power per pull before the dirt hits the ground, stops spinning some magnet, and they have to pull the rope… but it’s enough to power a few lights, a fan, maybe charge a battery. Some houses have lines of ropes feeding into copper spun boost converters, running tvs and washers off rope and dirt. Because there’s not the infrastructure there for consolidated power to stop them from doing it. Something about that just makes me feel hopeful, in that flowers in concrete way.
You could even feasibly combine this idea with adiabatics and just have a tube instead of a bag so that as the outer tube drops its inner volume is increasing and thus cooling the gas inside, and have it not only powering but cooling your house. With just weight resistance.
You think that regulation helps deliver you a quality product. What it actually does is enforce a monopoly against innovation in who and how those needs are allowed to be met, and the more time passes the more I think that maybe Tesla was right about everything - that sitting here on a magnetically charged iron ball, living on a giant telluric generator, asking how to “generate” power, we are all just ridiculous. Paying not to know better.
Of course, the man’s best friends were also pigeons, so you know - grain of salt.


It really goes to question if modern homogenized services are more civilized. Is making more with less smarter ? Is a stock trader that buys anything he needs from stock trading any more civilized than some who kills and grows thier own food and makes thier shelter? Is being civilized more philosophical than material?


It’s a question of empathy. Nothing wrong with killing or buying stocks if done in a responsible and ethical manner.

I read a book on the sorry state of the funeral industry and it was disgusting. Taking advantage of grief. Like going to buy a used car when you’re at your weakest.