What think about economy?

Interest rates have risen 0.75%

Do you think that will curb inflation?

Comments welcome…

All the best!


On the positive side…it’s fucked :poop:

On the negative side…:scream:…nah I can’t even go there

We are a special case though. We have Boris as clown in chief…still. They are calling him the greased pig now…among other things


Trump president again?

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I’ve seen where they are starting to March in the streets over there in protest, Any real truth to that or what have you? The heat makes people angry for sure.

I play Fifa online in a league and it’s mostly UK peeps, always interesting listening to them speak about your current political shitstorm lol


Euro/Dollar = 1,05$

The dollar is appreciating too much.

Let’s be reeeaaal careful how this thread goes please



I was wondering how long this thread can stay open…


You heard Gina, Pete, and the big guy, There is nothing that can be done. Nothing sorry gang eff off.

I will throw my television off the balcony the next time one of these ‘people’ tell me nothing can be done about any of it, and we are now all climate change warriors like it or not.

Nothing can be done. This is the company line?Since when is that a line you deliver to us. Nothing is what you are doing to help us.


…“inflation” is a fiction. Inflation is caused by price gouging. To solve inflation make sure people don’t price gouge, not raise interest rates. An example, list prices for high end luxury home have gone up nearly 10x in the past 10 years. Why?


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I blame it on covid-

In the US, anyway I think both parties can share in the blame.

Massive social spending (over $3,000 for everyone, extra handouts for children, unemployment, ect) may have been needed by some, but anytime the government prints money to hand out to the masses, you will get inflation.

Inflation needs recession to slowly lower prices.

Expect the fed to continue to slowly raise rates…

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With all due respect. I think price gouging is not and has never been the impetus for a recession. Irresponsible fiscal policies by ‘the best and brightest’ are to blame in most cases.


Covid and the massively irresponsible action of shutting the country down for 2 years.

We may never recover from this one.

For countries, inflation is good because it makes their debt decrease with respect to their gdp

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I’m wasn’t commenting on the causes of recession. I was commenting on the cause of inflation.
“Recessions” are hyped, you have to remember a large part of our economy is financial in nature. A recession can mean simply that banks arent doing as much business with each other not necessarily that people are loosing their jobs.



Four people replying right now. Hot topic?

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Ok, but it is all intertwined. Inflation first recession next. Please don’t give them a pass my friend. No free passes, no timeouts, no participation trophies.

What is needed is tuff and two fisted action. NOT - there is nothing we can do.

There is nothing that can be done. Violence, nothing can be done. Gas prices , nothing can be done. Spiraling inflation- nothing can be done.

We sold our souls to the ‘global market’, now we can suck on their hatred of us. And beg Iran for oil and not to try to blow us up.


If rent and food keeps going up I’m gonna have to start stealing my groceries, and heavy taxing outsiders. my disability check like $20 to much to qualify for food stamps


I see prolonged pain in the future for the middle class-

The fed is trying not to spook investors into a sell off, so they will keep raising rates a little at a time.

We’ll have high prices for a long time, but crash or not, I think Americans will be able to keep the lights on…


It’s bad dude. Think ten dollars a gallon for fuel. Gas for heating is… unaffordable. Planes are being grounded cos aviation fuel is also unaffordable. The railways are shutting down now cos of strikes. The economy has taken a massive hit from brexit on top of covid…

AND we have a walking bawbag in charge of clowning street


I’m of the opinion that there should be an agency to protect against price gouging. The NASDAQ for instance utilizes stop trades when things get wacky.


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